Castor Capsule borerCastor Capsule borer
Introduction •Damage caused by : Caterpillar Identification •Larvae : – full-grown 25-30 mm length, reddish brown, with black blotches all over the body •Adult – Moths are orange yellow with
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Introduction •Damage caused by : Caterpillar Identification •Larvae : – full-grown 25-30 mm length, reddish brown, with black blotches all over the body •Adult – Moths are orange yellow with
•Serious pests •Distribution and status: India, Africa, Argentina, Chile, U.S.A. Europe and Australia. •Host Plants: Groundnut, beans, safflower, lablab, niger, peas, pulses and some weeds. •Vector of virus disease
Introduction •Distribution and status: India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines. •Host range: Castor, rose, pomegranate, tea, citrus, mango, Cadiospermum helicacabum Identification •Larva: semilooper with varying shades of colour
Introduction Identification Life cycle Damage Management Download Pdf
Introduction Identification Life cycle Damage Management •Plough the field to expose the eggs •Spray phosphamidon 40 SL 600 ml/ha
Identification Damage Life cycle Management Download Pdf
Introduction Identification Identification Nymph Life cycle Damage Management
Introduction Identification Damage Management •Spray 1.5 liter of triazophos 40EC or 2.0 liters o ethion 50EC during boll formation phas.
Introduction •Distribution and status: Oriental in distribution including India. It is a serious pest under rainfed conditions on pulses in Rajasthan and groundnut in southern part of India. Amsacata albistriga
Introduction •Nation pest •Polyphagous pest •The grubs are mostly found in the upper 5-10 cm layer of soil. Identification •Eggs: White, almost round. •Larvae: Young grubs are translucent, whitish yellow