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Mock Tests Series
Protected cultivation – Importance and scope, status of protected cultivation in India
Greenhouse/ polyhouse designs, different types of protected structures based on soil
Different types of Cladding material involved in Green house/ polyhouse
Artificial lights, Automation in polyhouses
Types of Growing media, Soil preparation and substrate management in polyhouses for growing crops
Types of benches and containers used in polyhouses
Use of polyhouses for Propagation and production of quality planting material
Greenhouse cultivation of Rose, Soil, Climate, Varieties, Propagation and intercultural operations
Rose, harvesting, Post harvest management, Pest and Diseases
Greenhouse cultivation of Carnation, Soil, Climate, Varieties, Propagation and intercultural operations
Carnation, harvesting, Post harvest management, Pests and Diseases
Greenhouse cultivation of Chrysanthemum, Soil, Climate, Varieties, Propagation and intercultural operations
Chrysanthemum, harvesting, Post harvest management, Pests and Diseases
Greenhouse cultivation of pot plants Gerberas
Greenhouse cultivation of Orchids, Soil, Climate, Varieties, Propagation and intercultural operations
Orchids, harvesting, Post harvest management, Pests and Diseases
Greenhouse cultivation of Tomato, Soil, Climate, Varieties, Propagation and intercultural operations
Tomato, harvesting, Post harvest management, Pests and Diseases
Greenhouse cultivation of Pot plants and containers
Polyhouse cultivation of economically important medicinal plants like stevia, etc
Polyhouse cultivation of economically important aromatic plants like Davanam, etc