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NSC Test 6

Agriculture Questions: 60
Total Pointes: 60
Total Time: 60 min.

Test Take: 1

1 / 60

Agallol is used for?

2 / 60

Small farmer own land?

3 / 60

The harvest index in wheat is approximately:

4 / 60

Highest lactation length is of which goat?

5 / 60

In India which soil order have negligible area?

6 / 60

Golden rice is a rich source of:

7 / 60

If any irrigation project covered cultural command area of 2000 – 10000 hectares, this irrigation project come under?

8 / 60

Chisel plough is used for?

9 / 60

After sheet erosion minute finger like structures are formed if not taken care?

10 / 60

Beaufort scale is used for?

11 / 60

Bt cotton is resistant to which pest?

12 / 60

Which growth stage of sugarcane is critical for irrigation?

13 / 60

State with largest area under organic certification is?

14 / 60

New leaf of plant shows yellow symptoms and veins remain green is caused by the deficiency of which nutrient?

15 / 60

Crown cleaning related to?

16 / 60

Insect jelly is composed of?

17 / 60

Which sugar is found in germinating seed in large amount?

18 / 60

The complementary interaction between intercrops in the inter-cropping system is known as.

19 / 60

Which is the most effective method of communication?

20 / 60

Which oil cake is used to prevent predatory fishes?

21 / 60

Moisture content in hay is?

22 / 60

Cattle breed which is indigenous draught purpose while cows are poor yielder?

23 / 60

Which of the following refers to the zone of illuviation?

24 / 60

Clove is obtained from?

25 / 60

Parshall flume is used for measuring of water in?

26 / 60

Which herbicide is strongly adsorbed on soil colloids?

27 / 60

Young female pig who had not given the birth to any offspring till now is called?

28 / 60

Isolation distance required for foundation seed production of okra?

29 / 60

White muscardine disease related to?

30 / 60

National institute of agriculture marketing is located at?

31 / 60

Cuscuta reflecta weed is associated with?

32 / 60

Which of the following is not a flowering hormone?

33 / 60

Which entomopathogens fungus role as biological control agent in cotton bollworm?

34 / 60

Retting temperature for jute is (in degree celsius)?

35 / 60

Wood apple belongs to family?

36 / 60

Notching practice in fig is done in the month of?

37 / 60

Which instrument is used for measuring photosynthetic active radiation?

38 / 60

Pusa sadabahar, pusa mausami and pusa navbahar are the improved varieties of?

39 / 60

Who is considered as father of soil testing?

40 / 60

Which group of microorganisms have highest biomass in soil?

41 / 60

pF value (4.18) indicates?

42 / 60

Crop which has highest unsaturated fatty acid is?

43 / 60

There are on an average ……………rainy days in a year in the country.

44 / 60

The first state in country to flagged of first fruit train was?

45 / 60

Ring rust is a serious disease of?

46 / 60

Golden revolution related to?

47 / 60

Process of loosening for separation of fiber from plant is known as:

48 / 60

Length of gunter chain is?

49 / 60

Grape training system where they are connected with each other is?

50 / 60

Which of the following medicinal plant is known as laxative medicinal plant?

51 / 60

Transgenic variety of tomato is?

52 / 60

What is the minimum germination percentage of wheat?

53 / 60

Blue baby syndrome is due go to?

54 / 60

What is trade name of herbicide ‘Glyphosate”?

55 / 60

Water held by forces of surface tension and continuous films around soil particles and in the capillary space is known as:

56 / 60

In C4 plant, enzyme responsible for the synthesis of the malic acid is:

57 / 60

Mattocking practice is followed in?

58 / 60

Suicidal germination takes place in?

59 / 60

First hybrid maize ganga -1 was developed in india in?

60 / 60

First state to enact law in contract farming is?

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