The Punjab Public Service Commission invites Online Application Forms from eligible candidates for recruitment to 17 Posts of Functional Manager (Group-B) in the Department of Industries and Commerce, Government of Punjab.
Last date for filling Online Application Form: 27/3/2020
Last date for depositing Online Application Fee: 07/4/2020
Reservation of Functional Manager Posts:-

*The number of vacancies and reservation of posts is liable to alteration without any notice.
Rs.10300-34800+5000 Grade Pay
(See detail in General Information for candidates for drawing the Pay during probation period.)
Sr. No. | Name of Post | Qualification |
1 | Functional Manager | (a) Should possess a degree in any of Engineering or in any discipline of Textile Technology or its equivalent from a recognized university or institution; OR (b) Should possess a diploma in any discipline branch of Engineering or in any branch of Textiles Technology or its equivalent from a recognized university or institution; And (c) Should have an experience of working in a Government Department, Public Sector Undertaking or in a reputed Industry after obtaining the requisite diploma, for a minimum period of five years; OR (d) Should possess a degree of Master of Business Administration or post graduate degree in second division in Economics or Mathematics or Chemistry or Agriculture or Physics or Commerce or Statistics or its equivalent from a recognized university or institution. |
Punjabi of Matric or its equivalent standard.
Important Note:
The candidates MUST possess the requisite qualification before or by 31/03/2020
Candidates should not be below 18 years and above 37 years of age as on 01-01-2020.
(See detail in General Information for candidates for each post)
The Commission shall hold a Competitive Examinations tentatively in May 2020 for recruitment to these posts details of which can be seen in Para 6,7 and 8 of “General information for the candidates” available on the website
Candidates must refer to “General information for the candidates” available on PPSC website, particularly Para -12 before filling the application form. The candidates can ONLY apply by filling Online Application Form, a link of which is available on the website of Punjab Public Service Commission
Official WEBSITE :
Last date for filling Online Application Form: 27/3/2020
Last date for depositing Online Application Fee: 07/4/2020