Mustard sawfly


•Host plant : mustard, toria, rapseed, cabbage, cauliflower, knol-knol, turnip, radish, etc.

•Damage caused by : larvae


•Larvae :

-Dark green, have 8 pairs of abdominal prolegs.

-5 black stripes on the back, 16-18 mm length

•Adult :

– small, orange yellow with black markings on the body, have smoky wing with black veins.

Life cycle


•Grubs alone are destructive.

•Sometime , even the epidermis of the shoot is eaten up.


•Use tolerant varieties like JM-1 and RK-9501

•Destroy the affected parts along with aphid population in the initial stage

•The crop sown before 20th October escapes the damage

•Set up yellow stick trap to monitor aphid population

•Spray the crop with one of the following in the flowering stage: oxydemeton methyl, dimethoate @625-1000 ml per ha

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