•Serious peat of cabbage, cauliflower, knol-knol, & also attack on turnip, radish, sarson, toria, and other cruciferous plant.
•Damage caused by caterpillaer only.
•Larva : pale yellow, and become greenish yellow later on •Buterfly are pale white and smoky shade on dorsal side of the body. •

Life cycle

•The caterpillar alone cause damage.
•First instar caterpillar just scrape the leaf surface, whereas the subsequent instars eat up leaves from the margins inwards,
•Leaving intact the main veins .
•Often , entire plant are eaten up.

•Hand picking
•Spray one liter of malathion 50 EC or 925 ml endosulfan 35 EC in 250 l. of water.
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