Author: Examups

Anar butterflyAnar butterfly

•Distribution and status: All over India. •Host range: Aonla, apple, ber, citrus, guava, litchi, loquat, peach, mulberry, pear, sapota, tamarind. •It is polyphagous pest Symptoms of damage •Caterpillar bores into

Painted bugPainted bug

Introduction •Distribution and status: Widely distributed in Myanmar, Sri Lanka, India, Arabia and East Africa. •Host range: Crucifers, rice, sugarcane, indigo and coffee •Damage caused by : Nymph & Adult

Mustard aphidMustard aphid

Introduction •Distribution and status: Distributed worldwide and is a serious pest •Host range: Cruciferous oilseeds like toria, sarson, raya, taramira and Brassica vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, knol-khol. •Damage by :