Agriculture Current affair

Coconut Development Scheme
Coconuts are known for their great versatility as evidence by many traditional uses ranging from food to cosmetics.
They form a regular part of the diets of many people in the tropics and sub tropics. Coconuts are distinct from other fruits for their large quantity of water (Juice) and harvested as tendered nuts for potable coconut water. When matured they can be used as seed nuts or processed to obtain oil from the Kernel, charcoal from the hard shell and coir from the fibrous husk.
The oil and milk derived from it are commonly used in cooking and frying as well as in soaps and cosmetics. The coconut also has cultural and religious significance in Hindu rituals. Assamese people prepare different types of edible items from coconut fruit in Bihu and other festivals.
The coconut palm has been successfully cultivated in coastal regions of South India as well as in West Bangle, Tripura and Assam. The area and average yield of coconut in Assam are 20340 Ha and 52 nos. nuts per bearing plant (Statistical data for 2015-16 ) respectively. The Av. Yield of coconut in Assam per bearing palm is slightly low in comparison to National Av. Yield (59 nos nuts per palm) due to poor management and cultural practices.
Brief Note about the scheme:
Coconut Development Scheme
The CDB, Kochi, which is a statutory body, GOI has been implementing different CDB schemes in India and provides food and livelihood security to people of different states of India including Assam. The CDB schemes which are being implemented in Assam are enclosed in Guideline of Coconut Development Board’s scheme.
Out of those schemes, only Special Laying Out of Demonstration Plot (LODP) for SCSP/TSP under Coconut Development Board, GOI, 2016-17 has been implemented by Directorate of Horticulture & Food Processing, Assam at a cost of Rs. 175.00 Lakh to cover 1000 hectare in Assam in which financial assistance of Rs. 35,000.00 per hectare in two annual installments is provided for adoption of Integrated Management Practices in disease affected palms. The objective of the scheme is to encourage SCSP and TSP farmers to adopt the technology developed for the management of disease affected coconut trees. The operational guideline is enclosed in Guideline of LODP of Coconut Development Board’s scheme.
Coconut Development Scheme