Cotton Corporation of India(CCI) Free Test ExamupsExamups| Categories: Free Test series 0% CCI Test Agriculture Questions: 60Total Pointes: 60Total Time: 60 min.Test Take: 1 1 / 60 Which Country is the largest producer of Cotton ? USA Brazil India China 2 / 60 Which among the following is dual purpose breed? Gir Mewati Ongole Haryana All except A 3 / 60 The crop having maximum total sown area in India during 2018-19 was: Sugarcane Rice Wheat Cotton 4 / 60 In India, 1 cotton bale is equivalent to: 165 kg 181 kg 180 kg 170 kg 5 / 60 Mineralisation is: assimilation of organic substances converting organic substance to inorganic form breakdown of inorganic form into energy converting inorganic substance to organic form 6 / 60 ______ is a non-selective herbicide. Isoproturon Paraquat Atrazine Clodinafop 7 / 60 Epiricania melanoleuca is a biocontrol agent of: Gurdaspur borer Sugarcane internode borer Sugarcane Pyrilla Sugarcane top borer 8 / 60 Virion is a/an: genetic material without protein coat genetic material with protein coat virus without protein coat nucleic acid 9 / 60 The malphigian tubules are absent in: locust mosquito aphids bugs 10 / 60 If only one irrigation is available, then at which stage of the wheat crop should irrigation be given? Dough stage Boot stage CRI stage Milking stage 11 / 60 The MSP of long staple cotton during financial year 2019-20 is: Rs. 5,500 Rs. 5,550 Rs. 5,450 Rs. 5,255 12 / 60 Which of the following fuels has the highest calorific value (Kcal/kg) ? Petrol Diesel Firewood Charcoal 13 / 60 The leguminous green manure plant of the following is: Calotropis gigantean Azadirachta indica Cassia auriculata Sesbania rostrate 14 / 60 As of 2019, India ranks 1st in the production of: milk fishes pulses oilseed 15 / 60 The maximum exporter of cotton around the world during 2018-19 was: China USA Brazil India 16 / 60 Which among the following nutrient helps in chlorophyll formation? Cu Zn N Mn B 17 / 60 In single cropping system, for 2 ha. Landholding recommended tractor power is __ 4 hp 3 hp 1 hp 5 hp 18 / 60 Which of the following is a noxious weed? Eclipta alba Amaranthus viridis Echinochloa sp. Parthenium hysterophorus 19 / 60 The hypogeal germination is observed in: Cowpea Pigeonpea Mungbean Soybean 20 / 60 The correct full form of IFOAM from the options is: International Food and Organic Agriculture Movement Indian Federation Of Organic Association Movements International Federation of Organic Association Movement International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements 21 / 60 Avrodhi is a variety of: Chickpea Oat Rice Berseem 22 / 60 The Government of India has been promoting organic farming in the country through which of the below schemes? Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY ) Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY ) Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY ) 23 / 60 The National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms is located in: Delhi Karnataka Uttar Pradesh Bihar 24 / 60 Holotrichia consanguinea is a major pest of: sesame mustard linseed groundnut 25 / 60 The Boro rice is harvested during the months of: August-September April-May March-April January-February 26 / 60 Which of the following is an anaerobic free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria? Azotobacter Acetobacter Rhizobium Clostridium 27 / 60 The seed rate for a timely sown wheat crop is: 80 kg/ha 100 kg/ha 150 kg/ha 120-125 kg/ha 28 / 60 The ‘minimum support prices’ of various agricultural commodities are recommended by: Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd (NAFED) Food Corporation of India (FCI) 29 / 60 What is the recommended spray volume for Ultra Low Volume (ULV) spray? 500 l/ha 10-12 l/ha 250 l/ha . 1-5 l/ha 30 / 60 How many Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) are at present in India? 725 720 716 700 31 / 60 Pest population level at which management practices should be initiated is known as: EIL DB GEP ETL 32 / 60 The appropriate method of seed germination test for RapeseedMustard is: Rolled towel method Folder paper towel method Sand Method Petridish method 33 / 60 Who is the ex-officio president of the ICAR society? Union Minister of Agriculture Prime Minister of India Director General, ICAR President of India 34 / 60 Parthenium hysterophorus can be managed by the use of which of the below biocontrol agents? Neochetina bruchi Zygogramma bicolorata Dactylopius sp. Teleonemia scruplosa 35 / 60 The head orientation found in hemipteran insects: hypognathus prognathus primitive type ophisthognathus 36 / 60 The term ‘habitat management’ is related to: insect pest management wild animal management crop residue management nutrient management 37 / 60 The attack of which insect of the following produces dead heart symptom in plants? Leptacorisa acuta Nilaparvata lugens Helicoverpa armigera . Scirpophaga incertulas 38 / 60 The pre-emergence herbicide in pulses of the following is: Pendimethaline Atrazine Glyphosate Isoproturon 39 / 60 The maximum-grown species of cotton in India is: Gossypium barbadense Gossypium hirsutum Gossypium herbaceum Gossypium arboretum 40 / 60 Which of the following is the other name of sweet corn? Zea mays indenta Zea mays indurate Zea mays everta Zea mays saccharata 41 / 60 If the recommended dose of Phosphorus is 60kg/ha, the how much kgs of DAP will be required for one acre? 50.36 kg 51.80 kg 52.17 kg 48.52 kg 42 / 60 The siphoning type of mouth parts are present in: butterflies honeybees thrips house flies 43 / 60 The state recognised as the ‘first fully organic state’ in India is: Uttarakhand Sikkim Gujrat Kerala 44 / 60 What is the pulse rate of sheep in every two minutes? 70-80 80-100 150 120 180 45 / 60 Tegmina is present in: grasshopper beetles stink bug mosquitoes 46 / 60 Ecdysone in insect is a/an: Molting hormone . brain hormone pheromone juvenile hormone 47 / 60 Banana bract disease is transmitted by? Virus Bacteria Fungi Mycoplasma None of these 48 / 60 Central Institute for Cotton Research (CICR) is situated at: Nagpur Bhopal Anand Ludhiana 49 / 60 Based on the criteria of homogeneity in the ecological characteristics, India is divided into ______ agro-climatic zones. 12 15 17 18 50 / 60 The Tetrazolium test is the best indicator of: seed colour seed viability seed germination seed purity 51 / 60 Which crop of the following has the nitrogen fixing bacteria in its roots? Maize Pea Sugarcane Wheat 52 / 60 UPAS-120 is an early maturing variety of: pigeon pea maize paddy soybean 53 / 60 Which of the options is an example of secondary tillage implement? Disc plough Harrow Sub soil plough .Chisel plough 54 / 60 Which of the following elements should be considered while practicing organic farming? Minimum use of livestock Use of synthetic pesticides Maintaining a living soil . Use of chemical fertilizers 55 / 60 Koch’s postulates state: Host susceptibility The types of causative agent The pathogenicity of causative agents The management of causative agents 56 / 60 During the market year 2016-17, India’s cotton production was: 445 lakh bales 345 lakh bales 300 lakh bales 425 lakh bales 57 / 60 Stem nodules are found in: berseem cowpea sunhemp aeschynomene 58 / 60 Marek is disease found in Cow Buffalo Sheep Pig Poultry 59 / 60 2,4- D is effective for the management of: sorghum halepense saccharum spontaneum chenopodium album phalaris minor 60 / 60 The cotton variety Varalaxmi is a/an: inter-specific variety non-hybrid variety intra-specific variety mutagenic variety NameEmail Your score isThe average score is 22% 0% Study Material and Mock Test Series for CCI Post navigation PREVIOUS Previous post: NSC Practice TestNEXT Next post: IBPS-SO/AFO Study material & Mock Test series 2021-2022 Related Post Online test series 9 For ICAR, JRF, banksouth, specialist officer, etc All Agri ExamsOnline test series 9 For ICAR, JRF, banksouth, specialist officer, etc All Agri Exams [WpProQuiz 50] Read MoreRead More Free Mock Test For Soil ScienceFree Mock Test For Soil Science [WpProQuiz 135] Read MoreRead More Mock Test For JRF soil science…Mock Test For JRF soil science… [WpProQuiz 98] Read MoreRead More
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