• Mock Test 1

    Dryland farming - introduction and definition - dimensions of the problem -area and production from drylands in India

  • Mock Test 2

    Dry climates and their classifications - moisture index - semi- arid and arid climates -objectives and activities of CRIDA

  • Mock Test 3

    Problems of crop production in drylands - climate - rainfall pattern -distribution - variabilities in rainfall - short rainy season - high intensity rainfall

  • Mock Test 4

    Existing pattern of land use in low rainfall areas - drought - definition - types and occurrence of drought - management strategies for drought - mid season correction

  • Mock Test 5

    Tillage for dryland crops - deep ploughing - setline cultivation - year round tillage - minimum tillage and zero tillage - seeding practices

  • Mock Test 6

    Soil erosion - definition - losses due to erosion - types of soil erosion – nature and extent of wind and water erosion - factors affecting erosion

  • Mock Test 7

    Agronomic measures of soil conservation -contour cultivation - strip cropping - cover cropping.

  • Mock Test 8

    Fertilizer use in dry lands - use of organic manures - introduction of legumes in crop rotation - organic recycling and bio-fertilizer use in dry land agriculture

  • Mock Test 9

    Cropping systems in drylands - inter cropping advantages - efficient inter cropping systems in different dry farming

  • Mock Test 10

    Contingent crop planning for aberrant weather conditions in red and black soils under normal monsoon - delayed onset of monsoon

  • Mock Test 11

    Evapotranspiration - measures to reduce evapotranspiration – weeding - use of mulches - chemicals, windbreaks, shelterbelts.

  • Mock Test 12

    Watershed management - definition of watershed - area of operation of watersheds

  • Mock Test 13

    Components of watershed development programme – land use capability and classification.

  • Mock Test 14

    Soil and water conservation measures in watershed areas - Agronomic measures - bund former - bunding, dead furrow - ridge and furrow system

  • Mock Test 15

    Water harvesting structures - farm ponds, check dams - percolation tank - life saving irrigation problems and prospects under watersheds.

  • Mock Test 16

    Alternate land use systems - advantages - agro-forestry systems - alley cropping