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OPSC-AAO Assistant Agriculture Officer (AAO) Mock Test Series

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Assistant Agriculture Officer (AAO) Mock Test Series
999 299
20 Mock Test Series
10 Paper-1 Mock Test
10 Paper-2 Mock Test
Free 100.000 MCQ's
12 Month Validity


Course Details

Highlights of OPSC AAO Exam Mock Test Series

Good for 12 months. Hence, you will be easily able to cover the preparation period.

Break-Up of Mock Tests:
20+ Difficulty-Based Mock Tests
Questions of Easy, Moderate, and High Level difficulty have been aimed at balancing the preparation period.
2000 Most Important Questions
Shared over Paper-1 (General Agriculture) and Paper-2 (Specialized topics).

Performance Analysis:
All Odisha Rank: Compare your performance with the rest of the aspirants.
Percentile: Understand how you rank relative to your competitors.
Time Spent Analysis: Track the time spent on each section.
Topper’s Comparison: Learn from the best by comparing performance with top scorers.

Expert Preparation:

Designed by top faculties from reputed Examups.com website.
Questions and mock tests are aligned with the latest OPSC AAO exam pattern and syllabus.

Key Benefits:

Familiarize yourself with the exam pattern and question types.
Confidence building through regular practice.
Weak area identification and improvement before the actual exam.

Admission & Support:

For inquiry and enrollment please contact 6376323843.
Why Choose This Mock Test Series?
Well-Researched Content: Questions prepared by experts, ensuring effective preparation for the actual test.
Practicing regularly leads to proper practice in time management and pressure-coping ability while solving high-difficulty questions.
Comprehensive Coverage: Preparing both conceptual and current-affairs-based questions that are a must for AAO.
Practising in Simulated Conditions of the Actual Test will better prepare your mind.

So, if you are planning to subscribe or have any specific questions regarding the test series or preparation, feel free to ask! 

OPSC AAO Exam Syllabus 2024
Paper I
Unit I: Agronomy and Farming Systems

Agronomy: Concepts and applications.
Farming Systems & Sustainable Agriculture.
Principles of Organic Farming.
Crop Production Technology.
Unit II: Horticulture Crop Production

Production Technology for:
Fruit Crops.
Vegetable Crops.
Floriculture Crops.
Unit III: Crop Management

Field Crops and Horticulture Crops.
Entomology: Pests and their control.
Nematode Pests of Horticulture Crops and their Management.
Unit IV: Specialized Areas

Agriculture and Sericulture (silk farming).
Agrometeorology & Climate Change: Weather Impacts.
Forestry: Concepts and importance in agriculture.
Paper II
Unit I: Soil Science and Modern Techniques

Geoinformatics & Nano-Technology in Agriculture.
Basic of Soil Science.
Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management.
Problematic Soils and their Management.
Unit II: Genetics, Seeds, and Physiology

Principles of Seed Technology.
Genetics and Plant Breeding: Concepts and applications.
Introduction to Crop Physiology.
Unit III: Agricultural Education, Economics, and Marketing

Fundamentals of Agriculture Extension Education.
Agriculture Economics: Basic principles.
Fundamentals of Statistical Methods.
Agri-Business Management.
Agriculture Marketing, Trade, and Prices.
Unit IV: Agriculture Heritage and Farmer Empowerment

Agriculture Heritage: Background and development.
Farmer Empowerment Schemes: Various government initiatives and benefits
Preparation Tips
Know the Pattern of the Exam: Get familiar with the type of questions asked, the marks distribution, and the time limit.
Identify High-Weightage Topics: Topics of Crop Production Technology, Soil Science, and Agriculture Marketing hold significant weight.
Revision Tips: Make short notes to revise regularly.
Practice with Mock Tests: Mock tests will ensure time management and get familiar with the pattern of the exam.
Do you need help with study materials, sample questions, or further explanations on any topics?