•Distribution and status: World wide •It is polyphagous pest •it is serious pest
chickpea, pigeonpea, pea mungbean, urdbean, lentil, soybean, & cowpea •also been found damaging
cotton, sorghum, okra, maize, tomato, berseem, & sunflower
Identification of the pest
•Eggs – are spherical in shape and creamy white in colour, laid singly
•Larva – shows colour variation from greenish to brown. Green with dark brown grey lines laterally on the body with lateral white lines and also has dark and pale bands.
•Pupa – brown in colour, occurs in soil, leaf, pod and crop debris
•Adult – light pale brownish yellow stout moth. Fore wing grey to pale brown with V shaped speck.Hind wings are pale smoky white with a broad blackish outer margin.

Life cycle
•A single female may lay as many as 741 egg in 4 days

Symptoms of damage

•ETL: 10% of affected pods •Pheromone traps for Helicoverpa armigera 12/ha
•Bird perches 50/ha
IPM practices as given for cotton Spray Fipronil 5 SC 800-1000 ml or Indoxacarb 14.5 SC 335-400 ml or Methomyl 40 SP 50-1125 g or Novaluron 10 EC 375 ml or Spinosad 45 SC 160 ml or Thiodicarb 75 WP 625-1000 g

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