•Serious pests
•Distribution and status: India, Africa, Argentina, Chile, U.S.A. Europe and Australia.
•Host Plants: Groundnut, beans, safflower, lablab, niger, peas, pulses and some weeds. •Vector of virus disease known as the rossette of groundnut.
Symptoms of damage
• • Wilting of tender shoots during hot weather
• Stunting and distortion of the foliage and stems
• They excrete honeydew on which sooty molds flow forming a black coating
• Act as vector for peanut stripe virus and groundnut rosette virus complex

Identification of the pest
•Nymphs and Adult: Reddish to dark brown coloured with cornicles in the abdomen

Life cycle

•Apply anyone of the following insecticides
o Chlorpyrifos 20%EC 1000 ml/ha
o Imidacloprid 17.8% SL 100-125 ml/ha
o Methyl demeton 25% EC 1000 ml/ha
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