Online submission of Application Form (upto 05:00 pm of 31 March, 2020)
01.03.2020 – 31.03.2020
Last date of successful transaction of fee through Credit/Debit Card/Net-Banking/UPI upto 11:50 pm on 31 March, 2020
01.03.2020 – 31.03.2020
General/Unreserved, Other Backward Classes (OBC)-(NCL)* & UPS/ EWS*
Rs. 1100 /-
Fee Payable by candidates
SC/ST/PwD/ Transgender
Rs. 550/-
Processing charges & GST are to be paid by the candidate, as applicable
*Other Backward Classes-Non Creamy Layer as per the central list of Other Backward Classes available on National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC), Government of India website Only the candidates falling in this list may mention OBC in the Category Column. State list OBC candidates who are not in OBC-NCL (Central List) must choose General/Unreserved.
** Candidates of Remote and Underprivileged States must check their eligibility before applying.
***As per the OM No. 20013/01/2018-BC-II dated January 17, 2019 issued by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment and the OM No. 12-4/2019-U1 dated 17.01.2019 as well as the Letters No 35-2/2019-T.S.I dated 21.01.2019, 01.02.2019, 04.02.2019 and 15.02.2019 of MHRD Department of Higher Education regarding implementation of reservation for Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) for admission in Central Educational Institutions.
Important Date :
Correction in particulars of Application Form on website only (No corrections shall be allowed after 02.05.2020)
25.04.2020 – 02.05.2020
Downloading of Admit Cards from NTA website
Date of Examination
Duration Or Time Of Examination
Duration of Examination
120 minutes (2 hours)
Timing of Examination
2:30 p.m – 4:30 p.m
Centre, Date and Shift of Examination
As indicated on Admit Card
Display of Attempted Question Paper and Provisional Answer Keys
Keys To be announced later
Declaration of Result on NTA website
Schedule for Online Counselling
To be announced by the ICAR on after the declaration of result
Candidates can apply for AIEEA (PG) 2020 “Online” on the website
The Application Form other than online mode will not be accepted, in any case.
Only one application is to be submitted by a candidate.
Candidates must follow the instructions strictly as given in the Information Bulletin and on NTA website, . Candidates not complying with the instructions shall be summarily disqualified.
Candidates must ensure that e-mail address and Mobile Number provided in the Online Application Form are their own as all information/ communication will be sent by NTA through e-mail on e-mail address or SMS on given Mobile Number only.
Instructions for filling Online Application Form : Download Information Bulletin and Replica of Application Form. Read them carefully to ensure your eligibility. Follow the 4 steps given below to Apply Online: Step-1: Apply for Online Registration using unique Email Id and Mobile No. Step-2: Fill in the Online Application Form and note down the system generated Application No. Step-3: Upload scanned images of Candidate’s Photograph (file size: 10 kb – 200 kb) , Candidate’s Signature (file size: 4kb – 30kb) and Thumb impression (file size: 3kb-30kb) in JPG/JPEG format. Step-4: Pay fee using SBI/Syndicate/HDFC/ICICI/Paytm Payment Gateway through Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking/UPI and keep proof of fee paid. In case the Confirmation Page is not generated after payment of fee then the transaction is cancelled, and amount will be refunded to the candidate’s account. However, the candidate has to make another transaction, in case the Confirmation Page is not generated. All the 4 Steps can be done together or at separate times.
Candidates are advised to keep visiting the NTA website and check their e-mails/SMS regularly for latest updates.
Candidate shall appear at their own cost at the Examination Centre on the date and shift indicated on their Admit Card issued by NTA.
Any request to change the Examination Centre, Date , Shift and Subject provided on the Admit Card will not be considered under any circumstances.
Introduction •Nation pest •Polyphagous pest •The grubs are mostly found in the upper 5-10 cm layer of soil. Identification •Eggs: White, almost round. •Larvae: Young grubs are translucent, whitish yellow
Introduction •Distribution and status: Distributed worldwide and is a serious pest •Host range: Cruciferous oilseeds like toria, sarson, raya, taramira and Brassica vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, knol-khol. •Damage by :