Examups – Boost Your Exam Potential Free Study Material Important Definitions Used in Agriculture Part 1st

Important Definitions Used in Agriculture Part 1st

Important Definitions Used in Agriculture Part 1st post thumbnail image

A Demonstration Centers

A Demonstration Centers

These provide effective communication about improved methods of farm practices to the farmers by practical displays.

A Line

A Line

This is a male sterile parent used for production of hybrid seeds as in case of maize,

A Chromosome

A Chromosome

Normal members of chromosome complement of a species which are essential for normal growth and development.



The Concept of the living from non-living matter.



Disease not due to any microorganism, but due to abiotic factors also known as physiological or non-pathological disease.

Abnormal Seedlings

Abnormal Seedlings

It refers to those seedlings which fail to develop into healthy and normal plants even after providing all the ideal conditions needed for growth and development of plants.



A chemical used for killing shrubs of bushes or trees (Silvicide).

Accelerated Erosion

Accelerated Erosion

Erosion much more rapid than normal, natural, geological erosion, primarily as a result of the activities of humans or, in some cases, of animals.



A small, dry, thin-walled fruit that does not split open when ripe, e.g.: dandelion.

Acid Cations

Acid Cations

Cations, principally and that contribute to ion activity either directly or through hydrolysis reactions with water.

Acid Equivalent (ae)

Acid Equivalent (ae)

The theoretical yield of parent acid from an active ingredient in acid-based herbicides.

Acid Rain

Acid Rain

Atmospheric precipitation with pH values less than about 5.6, the acidity being due to inorganic acids such as nitric and sulphuric that is formed when oxides of nitrogen and sulphur and emitted into the atmosphere.

Acid Saturation

Acid Saturation

The proportion or percentage of a cation-exchange site occupied by acid cations.

Acid forming Fertilizers

Acid forming Fertilizers

Those commercial fertilizers which have an acidic effect on soil ammonium sulphate, urea etc. are said to be acid-forming fertilizers.

Acid soils

Acid soils

Soil having an acidic reaction of pH below 7 due to leaching of soluble salts from the soil are called as acidic soil.

Acidity residual

Acidity residual

Soil acidity can be neutralized by lime or other alkaline materials but can not be replaced by an unbuffered salt solution.

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