List of World Food Prize Winner

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World Food Prize
Awarded forOutstanding achievement in the advancement of human development through improved food quality, quantity, or availability
LocationDes Moines, Iowa, United States
Presented byWorld Food Prize Foundation, with various sponsor companies
First awarded1987
Year Winners Country Achievements
1987 Prof. M. S. Swaminathan India Introducing high-yielding wheat and rice varieties to India starting India’s Green Revolution.
1988 Dr Robert F. Chandler United States Founding leadership of the International Rice Research Institute and his dedication to developing tropical rice varieties that doubled and tripled the yields of traditional varieties.
1989 Dr Verghese Kurien India Founder of Operation Flood the largest agricultural development program in the world made the farmer the owner of his cooperative, cutting out middlemen. India emerged as the largest producer of milk in 1998 from milk scarcity when he started.
1990 Dr John Niederhauser United States Discovering a durable resistance to potato late blight.
1991 Dr Nevin S. Scrimshaw United States Human nutrition studies that led to the use of protein-rich food products to combat malnutrition in developing countries.
1992 Dr Edward F. Knipling, Raymond C. Bushland United States Developing the sterile insect technique (SIT) to control insect parasites that harm the world’s food supply.
1993 He Kang China Initiation of reforms while head of the Ministry of Agriculture which made China self-sufficient for food production.
1994 Dr Muhammad Yunus Bangladesh Founder of the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh, developed innovative small loan programs for the poor, providing millions of people access to more food and better nutrition.
1995 Dr Hans Rudolf Herren Switzerland Developing a pest control program for the cassava mealybug, which could destroy African cassava crop.
1996 Dr Henry Beachell,
Dr Gurdev Khush
United States
Developing “miracle rice” varieties that doubled rice production in Asia since their development.
1997 Dr Ray F. Smith,
Dr Perry Adkisson
United States Developing the concept of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) which employs various techniques to protect crops from insect damage in an environmentally sustainable manner.
1998 Dr B. R. Barwale India Founder of independent seed company Mahyco, strengthening seed supply and distribution throughout India.
1999 Dr Walter Plowright United Kingdom Developing a vaccine against the cattle plague rinderpest.
2000 Dr Evangelina Villegas,
Dr Surinder K. Vasal
Mexico India Developing high quality protein maize (QPM).
2001 Dr Per Pinstrup-Andersen Denmark Establishment of “Food For Education” programs in which families receive food subsidies when children stay in school.
2002 Dr Pedro A. Sanchez United States /
Development of methods to restore fertility to degraded soils in Africa and South America.
2003   Catherine Bertini United States / United Nations Transforming the World Food Programme from a development assistance program to the largest and most effective humanitarian food relief organization
2004 Prof. Yuan Longping China Development of hybrid rice varieties
  Dr Monty Jones Sierra Leone Development of New Rice for Africa (NERICA), with the potential to increase rice yields in Africa.
2005 Dr Modadugu Vijay Gupta India Development and dissemination of low-cost techniques for freshwater fish farming (using tilapia species) by the rural poor.
2006 Edson Lobato,
His Excellency Alysson Paolinelli,
Dr A. Colin McClung
Brazil Brazil
United States
Pioneering work in soil science and policy implementation that opened the vast Cerrado region of Brazil to agricultural and food production.
2007 Dr Philip E. Nelson United States Revolutionizing food processing, packaging, transportation, and distribution by perfecting bulk aseptic packaging technology and spreading the technology worldwide.
2008 Bob Dole
George McGovern
United States Leading and encouraging a global commitment to school feeding, which has enhanced school attendance and nutrition for millions of the world’s poorest children, especially young women and girls.
2009 Dr. Gebisa Ejeta Ethiopia Developing Africa’s first sorghum hybrids resistant to drought and the parasitic witchweed.
2010 David Beckmann
Jo Luck
United States Building Bread for the World and Heifer International into two of the world’s foremost grassroots organizations leading the charge to end hunger and poverty around the globe.
2011 John Agyekum Kufuor
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
Creating and implementing government policies to alleviate hunger and poverty in their countries
2012 Dr Daniel Hillel Israel Conceiving and implementing micro-irrigation in arid and dry land regions
2013 Dr Mary-Dell Chilton,
Dr Robert Fraley,
Dr Marc Van Montagu
United States
United States
Developed science of modern plant biotechnology supporting improved sustainability and global food security
2014 Dr Sanjaya Rajaram India
Developed 480 varieties of disease resistant wheat
2015 Sir Fazle Hasan Abed Bangladesh Founder of BRAC, the world’s largest NGO, which is recognized for substantial work on reducing poverty in Bangladesh and 10 other countries
2016 Dr. Maria Andrade
Dr. Robert Mwanga
Dr. Jan Low
Cape Verde
United States
Developed the biofortified orange-fleshed sweet potato at the CGIAR International Potato Center
  Dr. Howarth Bouis United States Founded HarvestPlus, a major NGO in the development of biofortified crops primarily use conventional breeding techniques.
2017 Dr. Akinwumi Adesina Nigeria Innovator in funding and financing of African agriculture
2018 Dr. Lawrence Haddad Dr. David Nabarro United Kingdom/South Africa United Kingdom/United Nations Elevating maternal and child malnutrition to a central issue at national and international levels
2019 Dr. Simon N. Groot Netherlands Founder and honorary chairman of East-West Seed, his initiative over the past four decades has developed a dynamic, smallholder-centric tropical vegetable seed industry, starting in Southeast Asia and spreading through Asia, Africa and Latin America  
2020 Dr. Rattan Lal United States
For developing and mainstreaming a soil-centric approach to increasing food production that conserves natural resources and mitigates climate change[4] His research diverged from the conventional 1970s soil fertility strategy of heavy reliance on commercial fertilizers. His research led a better understanding of how no-till farming, cover crops, crop residues, mulching, and agroforestry can restore degraded soils, increasing organic matter by sequestering atmospheric carbon in the soil, and help combat rising carbon dioxide levels in the air.
2021 Dr. Shakuntala Haraksingh Thilsted Denmark
Trinidad and Tobago[
for her achievements in pioneering fish-based food systems to improve nutrition, health and livelihoods for millions around the world. Egypt

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