Examups – Boost Your Exam Potential MCQ's,Principles Of Agronomy MCQ MCQ on National and International Research Institutes in India

MCQ on National and International Research Institutes in India

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National and International Research Institutes in India MCQ for All Agriculture Exams like ICAR-JEF, ICAR-SRF, ICAR-NET, IBPS-AFO/SO, Pre-PG, BHU Pre-PG, IFFCO-AGT, CCI, FCI, B.sc, M.sc, etc.

  1. Which institute specializes in research related to arid zones in India?
    • A) CAZRI
    • B) CFTRI
    • C) CICR
    • D) CRRI
    • Answer: A
    • Explanation: CAZRI stands for Central Arid Zone Research Institute, located in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, focusing on research in arid zones.
  2. Where is the Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI) located?
    • A) Mysore, Karnataka
    • B) Jodhpur, Rajasthan
    • C) Simla, Himachal Pradesh
    • D) Nagpur, Maharashtra
    • Answer: A
    • Explanation: The Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI) is located in Mysore, Karnataka, specializing in food technology and related research.
  3. What does the Central Institute for Cotton Research (CICR) specialize in?
    • A) Cotton research
    • B) Rice research
    • C) Wheat research
    • D) Soil research
    • Answer: A
    • Explanation: CICR stands for Central Institute for Cotton Research, located in Nagpur, Maharashtra, focusing on research related to cotton.
  4. Which institute is known for its work on potatoes in India?
    • A) CPRI
    • B) CAZRI
    • C) CIAE
    • D) CTCRI
    • Answer: A
    • Explanation: CPRI, or Central Potato Research Institute, is located in Simla, Himachal Pradesh, and is focused on potato research.
  5. What does CRIJAF stand for?
    • A) Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibres
    • B) Central Rice Research Institute for India and Japan
    • C) Central Research Institute for Joint Agriculture Facilities
    • D) Central Rice and Jute Research Institute for Agriculture
    • Answer: A
    • Explanation: CRIJAF stands for Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibres, located in Barrackpore, West Bengal, specializing in jute and allied fiber research.
  6. Which institute is focused on agricultural engineering in India?
    • A) CIAE
    • B) CFTRI
    • C) CAZRI
    • D) CTCRI
    • Answer: A
    • Explanation: CIAE, or Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, is located in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, focusing on agricultural engineering research and development.
  7. Where is the Central Rice Research Institute (CRRI) located?
    • A) Cuttack, Orissa
    • B) Karnal, Haryana
    • C) Nagpur, Maharashtra
    • D) Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
    • Answer: A
    • Explanation: The Central Rice Research Institute (CRRI) is located in Cuttack, Orissa, focusing on rice research.
  8. What does CPCRI stand for, and where is it located?
    • A) Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, Kasargod, Kerala
    • B) Central Potato Research Institute, Simla, Himachal Pradesh
    • C) Central Research Institute for Plant Crops, Hyderabad, Telangana
    • D) Central Plant Crop Research Institute, Pune, Maharashtra
    • Answer: A
    • Explanation: CPCRI stands for Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, located in Kasargod, Kerala, specializing in research on plantation crops.
  9. Which institute is dedicated to soil and water conservation research in India?
    • A) CSWCRTI
    • B) CSSRI
    • C) CTCRI
    • D) CICR
    • Answer: A
    • Explanation: CSWCRTI stands for Central Soil and Water Conservation Research and Training Institute, located in Dehradun, Uttar Pradesh, specializing in soil and water conservation research.
  10. What does IGFARI specialize in?
    • A) Grassland, fodder, and agroforestry research
    • B) Rice research
    • C) Cotton research
    • D) Tobacco research
    • Answer: A
    • Explanation: IGFARI stands for Indian Grassland Fodder and Agroforestry Research Institute, located in Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, specializing in research related to grassland, fodder, and agroforestry.
  11. What does IISR specialize in?
    • A) Sugarcane research
    • B) Soil science
    • C) Pulse research
    • D) Horticultural research
    • Answer: A
    • Explanation: IISR stands for Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, located in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, focusing on sugarcane research.
  12. Where is the Indian Institute of Soil Science (IISS) located?
    • A) Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
    • B) Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh
    • C) Bangalore, Karnataka
    • D) Ranchi, Bihar
    • Answer: A
    • Explanation: IISS, or Indian Institute of Soil Science, is located in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, specializing in soil science research.
  13. What does IIPR stand for, and what does it focus on?
    • A) Indian Institute of Pulse Research, focusing on pulses
    • B) Indian Institute of Plant Research, focusing on plants
    • C) Indian Institute of Poultry Research, focusing on poultry
    • D) Indian Institute of Potato Research, focusing on potatoes
    • Answer: A
    • Explanation: IIPR stands for Indian Institute of Pulse Research, located in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, focusing on pulse crops like lentils and beans.
  14. Which institute specializes in horticultural research in India?
    • A) IIHR
    • B) IIPR
    • C) IISS
    • D) IISR
    • Answer: A
    • Explanation: IIHR stands for Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, located in Bangalore, Karnataka, focusing on research in horticulture, which includes fruits, vegetables, and other garden plants.
  15. What is the specialization of the Indian Lac Research Institute (ILRI)?
    • A) Lac research
    • B) Lacquer production
    • C) Laboratory analysis
    • D) Lacquer-based paint
    • Answer: A
    • Explanation: The Indian Lac Research Institute (ILRI) in Ranchi, Bihar, specializes in research on lac, a resinous secretion used in varnishes, dyes, and other products.
  1. 16. Which institute is focused on research related to jute technology in India?
    A) Kolkata, West Bengal
    B) Ranchi, Bihar
    C) Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
    D) Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
    Answer: A
    Explanation: The Jute Technological Research Laboratory (JTRL) is located in Kolkata, West Bengal, specializing in jute technology and its applications.

    17. What does NCMRT stand for, and where is it located?
    A) National Centre for Mushroom Research and Training, Solan, Himachal Pradesh
    B) National Centre for Mycology Research and Training, Delhi
    C) National Centre for Mushroom Research and Training, Mumbai, Maharashtra
    D) National Centre for Mushroom Research and Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka
    Answer: A
    Explanation: NCMRT stands for National Centre for Mushroom Research and Training, located in Solan, Himachal Pradesh, focusing on mushroom research and training.

    18. Which institute specializes in groundnut research in India?
    A) NRCG
    B) NRCS
    C) NRC for Soybean
    D) NRC for Spices
    Answer: A
    Explanation: NRCG stands for National Research Centre for Groundnut, located in Junagadh, Gujarat, specializing in groundnut research.

    19. What is the specialization of the National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR)?
    A) Plant genetic resources
    B) Plant pathology
    C) Soil science and land use planning
    D) Plant protection training
    Answer: A
    Explanation: NBPGR, or National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, is located in New Delhi, specializing in plant genetic resources, focusing on the conservation and utilization of plant genetic diversity.

    20. Which institute specializes in the study of cropping systems in India?
    A) PDCSR
    B) NPPTI
    C) SBI
    Answer: A
    Explanation: PDCSR stands for Project Directorate for Cropping Systems Research, located in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, focusing on the study and development of cropping systems.

    21. Which organization is based in Washington, D.C., and focuses on international agricultural research?
    A) CGIAR
    B) CIAT
    C) CIP
    Answer: A
    Explanation: CGIAR stands for Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research, headquartered in Washington, D.C., coordinating international agricultural research initiatives.

    22. Where is the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) located?
    A) Bogor, Indonesia
    B) Cali, Colombia
    C) Aleppo, Syria
    D) Nairobi, Kenya
    Answer: A
    Explanation: CIFOR, or Centre for International Forestry Research, is based in Bogor, Indonesia, specializing in forestry research and development.

    23. Which international institute focuses on tropical agriculture and is located in Colombia?
    A) CIAT
    C) CIP
    D) IITA
    Answer: A
    Explanation: CIAT, or Centre International de Agricultural Tropical, is located in Cali, Colombia, focusing on agricultural research in tropical regions.

    24. What does CIMMYT specialize in, and where is it based?
    A) Maize and wheat research, Mexico
    B) Potato research, Peru
    C) Livestock research, Kenya
    D) Irrigation management, Sri Lanka
    Answer: A
    Explanation: CIMMYT stands for Centre International de la Mejoramientode Maizy Trigo, located in Mexico, specializing in maize and wheat research.

    25. Which international institute is dedicated to potato research?
    A) CIP
    B) CIAT
    D) CGIAR
    Answer: A
    Explanation: CIP, or Centre International de la Papa (International Potato Centre), is based in Lima, Peru, focusing on potato research and development.

    26. Where is the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources (IBPGR) located?
    A) Rome, Italy
    B) Nairobi, Kenya
    C) Aleppo, Syria
    D) Manila, Philippines
    Answer: A
    Explanation: IBPGR, or International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, is based in Rome, Italy, focusing on plant genetic resources and conservation.

    27. What does ICARDA focus on, and where is it located?
    A) Agricultural research in dry areas, Aleppo, Syria
    B) Agricultural research in semi-arid tropics, Hyderabad, India
    C) Agroforestry research, Nairobi, Kenya
    D) Food policy research, Washington, U.S.A.
    Answer: A
    Explanation: ICARDA, or International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas, is located in Aleppo, Syria, focusing on agricultural research in arid regions.

    28. Which institute is known for its work in agroforestry, and where is it based?
    A) ICRAF, Nairobi, Kenya
    B) CIMMYT, Mexico
    C) CIFOR, Indonesia
    D) IITA, Nigeria
    Answer: A
    Explanation: ICRAF, or International Centre for Research in Agro-Forestry, is based in Nairobi, Kenya, focusing on research in agroforestry.

    29. What does ICRISAT specialize in, and where is it located?
    A) Semi-arid tropics research, Hyderabad, India
    B) Tropical agriculture research, Ibadan, Nigeria
    C) Livestock research, Nairobi, Kenya
    D) Rice research, Manila, Philippines
    Answer: A
    Explanation: ICRISAT stands for International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics, based in Hyderabad, India, focusing on research related to semi-arid tropics.

    30. Which institute is dedicated to rice research, and where is it located?
    A) IRRI, Manila, Philippines
    B) CIMMYT, Mexico
    C) CIAT, Colombia
    D) ICARDA, Syria
    Answer: A
    Explanation: IRRI, or International Rice Research Institute, is based in Manila, Philippines, and is known for its work on rice research and development.

31. In which year was the first attempt at cotton crop improvement in India made?

  • A) 1788
  • B) 1827
  • C) 1864
  • D) 1902
  • Answer: A
  • Explanation: The first attempt at cotton crop improvement in India was made in 1788, in the Bombay province.

32. Where was the first agricultural society in India established, and when?

  • A) Calcutta, 1827
  • B) Bombay, 1788
  • C) Coimbatore, 1864
  • D) Madras, 1880
  • Answer: A
  • Explanation: The first agricultural society in India was established in Calcutta in 1827.

33. Where was the first model agricultural farm in India established?

  • A) Saidapet, Tamil Nadu
  • B) Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
  • C) Bombay, Maharashtra
  • D) Calcutta, West Bengal
  • Answer: A
  • Explanation: The first model agricultural farm in India was established at Saidapet, Tamil Nadu, in 1864.

34. In which year was the Department of Agriculture created in India?

  • A) 1871
  • B) 1878
  • C) 1880
  • D) 1901
  • Answer: A
  • Explanation: The Department of Agriculture was created in India in 1871, marking an important step towards institutionalizing agricultural practices and research.

35. When did higher education in agriculture start in Coimbatore?

  • A) 1878
  • B) 1864
  • C) 1880
  • D) 1903
  • Answer: A
  • Explanation: Higher education in agriculture started in Coimbatore in 1878, with the establishment of agricultural programs and schools.

36. Which event took place in 1903 that significantly contributed to agricultural research in India?

  • A) Establishment of Imperial Agricultural Research Institute at Pusa, Bihar
  • B) Introduction of large-scale cultivation of groundnut
  • C) Introduction of Cambodia cotton
  • D) Imperial Sugarcane Breeding Station at Coimbatore
  • Answer: A
  • Explanation: In 1903, the Imperial Agricultural Research Institute was established at Pusa, Bihar, marking a significant contribution to agricultural research in India.

37. What was introduced in India in 1902 on a large scale?

  • A) Groundnut cultivation
  • B) Cambodia cotton
  • C) Hybrid wheat
  • D) New irrigation techniques
  • Answer: A
  • Explanation: Large-scale cultivation of groundnut was introduced in India in 1902, marking a significant event in the history of Indian agriculture.

38. In which year was the Royal Commission on Agriculture established?

  • A) 1926
  • B) 1929
  • C) 1942
  • D) 1965
  • Answer: A
  • Explanation: The Royal Commission on Agriculture was established in 1926 to assess and recommend improvements in Indian agriculture.

39. Which major agricultural initiative was launched in 1942 to address food shortages during World War II?

  • A) Grow More Food Campaign
  • B) Central Rice Research Institute
  • C) Imperial Council of Agricultural Research
  • D) Command Area Development
  • Answer: A
  • Explanation: The Grow More Food Campaign was launched in 1942 to increase food production to address shortages during World War II.

40. Which program started in 1971 to address the challenges of dryland agriculture in India?

  • A) All India Coordinated Project for Dryland Agriculture
  • B) Command Area Development
  • C) Drought Prone Area Programme
  • D) Multiple Cropping Schemes
  • Answer: A
  • Explanation: The All India Coordinated Project for Dryland Agriculture started in 1971 to address the unique challenges of dryland regions in India and to develop solutions for sustainable agriculture in these areas.

41. Which report was released in 1976 focusing on agricultural development in India?

  • A) Report of National Commission on Agriculture
  • B) Report of National Irrigation Commission
  • C) Report of Famine Commission
  • D) Report of Integrated Rural Development Programme
  • Answer: A
  • Explanation: The Report of National Commission on Agriculture was released in 1976, aiming to provide recommendations for advancing agricultural development in India.

42. What significant rural development program was launched in 1976?

  • A) Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP)
  • B) Training and Visit (T&V) System
  • C) Integrated Tribal Development Agency (ITDA)
  • D) Hill Area Development Project (HADP)
  • Answer: A
  • Explanation: The Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP) was launched in 1976 to promote rural development by improving infrastructure, employment, and agricultural productivity.

43. Which agricultural extension system was introduced in 1977 to improve farming practices?

  • A) Training and Visit (T&V) System
  • B) Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP)
  • C) Integrated Tribal Development Agency (ITDA)
  • D) Small Farmers Development Agency (SFDA)
  • Answer: A
  • Explanation: The Training and Visit (T&V) System was introduced in 1977 to improve agricultural extension services by providing regular training and support to farmers.

44. What agricultural research initiative was launched in 1979?

  • A) National Agriculture Research Project (NARP)
  • B) National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP)
  • C) Technology Mission on Oilseeds
  • D) National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)
  • Answer: A
  • Explanation: The National Agriculture Research Project (NARP) was launched in 1979 to enhance agricultural research and improve productivity through scientific advancements.

45. Which major agricultural bank was established in 1982 to support agricultural and rural development?

  • A) National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)
  • B) National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP)
  • C) Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP)
  • D) District Rural Development Agency (DRDA)
  • Answer: A
  • Explanation: The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) was established in 1982 to provide financial support for agricultural and rural development projects.

46. What was the focus of the technology mission established in 1986?

  • A) Oilseeds
  • B) Rice hybrids
  • C) Cotton improvement
  • D) Fertilizer production
  • Answer: A
  • Explanation: The Technology Mission on Oilseeds was established in 1986 to promote the production and development of oilseeds in India, focusing on reducing the country’s dependency on imports.

47. In which year was the first rice hybrid released in India?

  • A) 1993
  • B) 1982
  • C) 1977
  • D) 1998
  • Answer: A
  • Explanation: The first rice hybrid in India was released in 1993, marking a significant advancement in rice cultivation and productivity.

48. What agricultural technology project was launched in 1998 to enhance agricultural research and innovation?

  • A) National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP)
  • B) National Agriculture Research Project (NARP)
  • C) Technology Mission on Oilseeds
  • D) National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)
  • Answer: A
  • Explanation: The National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP) was launched in 1998 to promote the use of technology and innovation in agriculture, aiming to improve productivity and sustainability.

49. What is the primary goal of the Integrated Tribal Development Agency (ITDA)?

  • A) Development of tribal areas
  • B) Rural infrastructure development
  • C) Horticultural crop development
  • D) Agricultural research and development
  • Answer: A
  • Explanation: The Integrated Tribal Development Agency (ITDA) is focused on developing tribal areas, aiming to improve the quality of life for tribal communities through various initiatives and programs.

50. What is the role of ICAR in coordinating agricultural activity in India?

  • A) Coordinating agricultural activity between states and the center
  • B) Conducting agricultural research
  • C) Promoting the use of new agricultural technologies
  • D) Developing agricultural infrastructure
  • Answer: A
  • Explanation: The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) coordinates agricultural activities between states and the central government, ensuring consistent policies and practices across the country.

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