Examups – Boost Your Exam Potential Free Test series,Mock test,Online test series Mega Test For ICAR-JRF, UG, Pre-PG, BHU, AFO, etc. All Agriculture Exams

Mega Test For ICAR-JRF, UG, Pre-PG, BHU, AFO, etc. All Agriculture Exams

Mega Test For ICAR-JRF, UG, Pre-PG, BHU, AFO, etc. All Agriculture Exams post thumbnail image

This Mega Test is very important for ICAR-UG, Pre-PG, BHU, AFO, Agriculture supervisor, AAO, IFFCO, FCI, CCI, NABARD, Bank Of Maharastra, etc. All Agriculture exams in this year


Questions: 100
Time: 100 min.
Point: 100

1 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Use of resistant varieties in the Integrated Pest Management is an example of…… control.?

2 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Most of the plant viruses are transmitted by ___

3 / 100

Category: Agriculture

The area under micro-watershed is…..?

4 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Nagarjuna sagar is located in the state of___

5 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Which of the process of nitrogen cycle is not useful for plant?

6 / 100

Category: Agriculture

In classical production function, with the starting of rational zone, the efficiency of input is

7 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Wheat rust is ____ type of rust

8 / 100

Category: Agriculture

1 acre is equal to ___ sq.feet?

9 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Citrus Granulation can be reduced by spraying of

10 / 100

Category: Agriculture

A programme which maximizes profit or minimizes cost is called as

11 / 100

Category: Agriculture

The repetitive growing of the same sole crop on the same land is referred as..?

12 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Reamer is generally used to extract juice from…..?

13 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Farmer having land holding 2-4 ha____

14 / 100

Category: Agriculture

The hormone which induces and maintains seed dormancy is…?

15 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Which element is responsible for seed germination and flowering in plants?

16 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Potato crop Solanum tuberosum is

17 / 100

Category: Agriculture

___ is imp management to control soil borne disease

18 / 100

Category: Agriculture

In Insect origin of nervous system is____

19 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Single seed descent method is modification of____

20 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Little leaf of mango is due to deficiency of

21 / 100

Category: Agriculture

If the production possibility curve is horizontal, the two inputs are

22 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Wheat rust perpetuates by …….. spores

23 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Top crust which covers land and ocean floor is?

24 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Sugarcane leads to cross pollination due to

25 / 100

Category: Agriculture

The sprayer mainly used for spraying fruit trees in orchards is?

26 / 100

Category: Agriculture

The phosphate containing mineral is ?

27 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Which of the following photosynthetic pigment is water soluble?

28 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Who proposed the term lime requirement?

29 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Which rust stages are produced on Barbery?

30 / 100

Category: Agriculture

In C4 plant, the first stable product of photosynthesis is?

31 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Chromosome number of Pearl millet plant is____

32 / 100

Category: Agriculture

The average fixed cost

33 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Black stem rust of wheat is caused by…

34 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Difference between price paid by the consumer and price received by the producer for an equivalent quantity of farm produce is often termed as?

35 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Nitrogen Fixer found in rice field and associated with Azolla is…..?

36 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Plasmogamy in wheat rust occurs in which stage ?

37 / 100

Category: Agriculture

The ‘Father of Seed Pathology’ is____

38 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Bartlett’s test test is used for?

39 / 100

Category: Agriculture

The specific gravity of skim milk is

40 / 100

Category: Agriculture

The most susceptible fruit crop to water logging is

41 / 100

Category: Agriculture

National Agricultural Insurance Scheme is launched in the year?

42 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Botanically ber fruit is

43 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Shoot and fruit borer of okra is

44 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Water tightly held in thin films around soil particles is____

45 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Concept of foundation seed production was given by____

46 / 100

Category: Agriculture

White rust of crucifers is called pseudo rust because :

47 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Which of the following essential amino acid is deficient in Rice?

48 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Dual purpose breed of cow is____

49 / 100

Category: Agriculture

For amelioration of which among the following soils is Gypsum used?

50 / 100

Category: Agriculture

All-weather phenomena occur in the….. zone of atmosphere?

51 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Round table discussion is known as____

52 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Plantation of tree plant in which area there is Forest earlier is established?

53 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Which of the following agency is responsible for procurement, storage and transportation of food grain production in India?

54 / 100

Category: Agriculture

First state of India to adopt Panchayat Raj system :

55 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Inherent capacity of soil to supply nutrient to plants in adequate and in suitable proportion is called…..?

56 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Which of the following vector can be used for cloning bigger DNA fragments?

57 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Which is the anticoagulant is used for rat control?

58 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Average moisture content in dried vegetables is?

59 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Which one of the following is used as a nitrogenous fertilizer, as a weed killer in the onion fields and for correcting acidic soils?

60 / 100

Category: Agriculture

What is the trade name of endosulfan?

61 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Cluster bean contain mucilageous substance is

62 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Non parasitic disorder due to deficiency of Ca in tomato is

63 / 100

Category: Agriculture

The common bread wheat is

64 / 100

Category: Agriculture

ANOVA Table stands for analysis of :

65 / 100

Category: Agriculture

In which method of seed sowing, seed is managed to sown at required depth in a hole?

66 / 100

Category: Agriculture

In terms of which among the following is soil salinity is measured

67 / 100

Category: Agriculture

In which of the following soil, Iron deficiency is prominent?

68 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Soil erosion control and soil binding can be done effectively by growing?

69 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Corrugation is a type of irrigation____

70 / 100

Category: Agriculture

In India Farmer FIRST Programme (FFP) was launched in the year….?

71 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Edible part of Pomegranate is____

72 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Fruit type of guava is_____

73 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Which one of te following is a rich source of protein

74 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Centre of origin of Wheat is

75 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Which type of soil is found along the canal Bank?

76 / 100

Category: Agriculture

A measure through which one can calculate advantage of an intercrop in terms of yield is

77 / 100

Category: Agriculture

The marginal physical product is negative in

78 / 100

Category: Agriculture

The antisterlity vitamin is

79 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Kinnow mandarin was developed by

80 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Yellow rust is also known as……..:

81 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Seed multiplication Ratio of Tomato is :

82 / 100

Category: Agriculture

What is the basic unit of soil classification?

83 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Thermocouple is used for the measurement of ___

84 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Botanically Loquat fruit is

85 / 100

Category: Agriculture

In Mendel dihybrid cross, following ratio was obtained?

86 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Removal of uniform thin layer of soil by the action of water is referred as

87 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Cashewnut has originated from

88 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Bacterial disease can be controlled by spraying ____

89 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Alternate host of Black stem rust of wheat is..

90 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Which is the following is a rabi crop?

91 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Cost function deals with the functional relationship between

92 / 100

Category: Agriculture

he pesticide solution requirement of a sprayer is 100 lit/ha. The sprayer can be classified under….?

93 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Fixation in soil is a problem in case of :

94 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Which spores of wheat rust are called as repeating spores….

95 / 100

Category: Agriculture

When MPP > APP, APP is

96 / 100

Category: Agriculture

__ is the most common and suitable medium for Orchid cultivation?

97 / 100

Category: Agriculture

SRI method in Paddy has been evolved in____

98 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Which type of silk is absent in India?

99 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Wilt is ____ borne disease

100 / 100

Category: Agriculture

Conversion from nitrite to nitrate is done by ___ bacteria?

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The average score is 37%


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