Examups – Boost Your Exam Potential Latest Post Plant Science Mock Test Series for ICAR, JRF, NABARD, BHU, Pre-PG, AFO, AAO, All Agriculture Exams

Plant Science Mock Test Series for ICAR, JRF, NABARD, BHU, Pre-PG, AFO, AAO, All Agriculture Exams

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Plant Science most important MCQ Questions for ICAR, JRF, NABARD, BHU, Pre-PG, AFO, and Other Agriculture Exams


Plant Science Mock Test Series – 1

1 / 100

Maize that produces kernels in which the starch that is contained within those kernels having at least 99 percent amylopectin, versus the average of 72- 76 percent amylopectin in common starch seed can be referred as

2 / 100

A gene in pest which is able to break down the gene of the pest resistance in the plant and thus allows the pest to use the plant as a host is called as

3 / 100

Bacteria are considered to be plant because

4 / 100

The cause of association between two variables can be measured by

5 / 100

The Indian born scientist, who was awarded the Nobel prize for DNA synthesis

6 / 100

When a disease occurs periodically in a widespread area causing devastating damage to crop plants, it is known as

7 / 100

The quickest way to produce homozygous breeding lines from heterozygous parents is through

8 / 100

A sequencing approach that uses several pooled samples simultaneously, greatly increasing sequencing speed was known as

9 / 100

Gram-positive bacteria that are characterized by the formation of branching filaments will be called as

10 / 100

The proportion Of migrant individuals to the total number (after migration) of individuals in the population is called

11 / 100

In maize first product formed during photosynthesis is

12 / 100

Isopentenyl adenine is a precursor for

13 / 100

The study of differences and similarities in genome structure and organization of different organisms is called

14 / 100

The plants obtained through genetic engineering contain a gene or genes usually from an unrelated organism are called

15 / 100

The sclerotial rot of barley is caused by the pathogen called

16 / 100


17 / 100

In Yr-Wr graph, when regression lines passes above the origin cutting Wr-axis, indicates

18 / 100

The causal organism Erysiphe graminisSP. Tritici produces

19 / 100

In 1896, the ear to row method of breeding was given by

20 / 100

The disease damping off seedlings during nursery Stage is caused by the pathogen

21 / 100

G + C content of prokaryotes is

22 / 100

The foot rot Of wheat is caused by the pathogen called

23 / 100

The process in which the use Of biologically active sewage sludge to hasten the breakdown of organic matter in raw sewage during secondary treatment is called as

24 / 100

Bacterial transformation was reported by

25 / 100

National Plant Protection Training Institute is located at

26 / 100

Multiline and mixtures employ a series of resistance genes so that their plant populations together show some resistance to an the races of the pathogen. This type of resistance is often called as

27 / 100

The loose smut of barley is caused by the pathogen called

28 / 100

Insect jelly is composed of

29 / 100

The decomposition of organic nitrogen Compounds, e.g., proteins, by microorganisms with the release of ammonia is called as

30 / 100

A localized collection of pus in a cavity formed by tissue disintegration is called

31 / 100

Which is a natural genetic engineer ?

32 / 100

The differences present among individuals belonging to a single species or to different species is called as

33 / 100

rDNA technology has application in

34 / 100

A type of antigen-antibody reaction marked by an exaggerated physiological response to a substance in sensitive individuals is called as

35 / 100

An asexual fruiting body or reproductive structure in a fungus is commonly known as

36 / 100

In 1968, the information about ‘Antimutator gene’ was given by

37 / 100

The alleles of a specific gene or all of the genes carried by an organism is called

38 / 100

In 1971, the information about ‘Sensor gene’ was given by

39 / 100

The origin of maize is from

40 / 100

A gene, one or more forms Of which isassociated with cancer. Many of these are involved, directly or indirectly, in controlling the rate of cell growth was known as

41 / 100

In 1976, the information about ‘Protooncogene to oncogene relationship’ was given by

42 / 100

The first and subsequent generation progenies of crosses of heterozygous facultative apomicts are called as

43 / 100

Plasmodiophora brassicae causes the club root disease of crucifers can be controlled by

44 / 100

first time quarantine is started in India at :

45 / 100

In Vr-Wr graph, when regression lines passes through the origin, indicates

46 / 100

Bacteriophage is made up of

47 / 100

A sequence located near the 5′-end of a domain that contains a cluster of DN Aase I hypersensitive sites and is essential for the expression of transcriptional units located within the domain is known as

48 / 100

Race specific resistance i.e., resistance that operates against some races of a pathogen and not to others in plants are also known as

49 / 100

The best quality of lac is obtained from which host tree ?

50 / 100

Male sterility is employed for the production of

51 / 100

Introduction Of DNA into cells by exposing them for very brief periods to high voltage electrical pulses, which is thought to induce transient pores in the plasma lemma is called

52 / 100

The book ‘Plant Disease’ written by

53 / 100

The phenomenon in which highly concentrated aqueous solutions of cryoprotective agents become so viscous at a sufficiently low temperature, that they solidify into a metastable glass state, without ice crystal formation at practical cooling rates is called

54 / 100

The study of the application of computer and statistical techniques to the management of information was known as

55 / 100

Use of a DNA or RNA probe to detect the presence of the complementary DNA sequence in cloned bacterial or cultured eukaryotic cells was known as

56 / 100

The protective sheath that covers the young shoot of the embryo in plants of the family Gramineae is called as

57 / 100

In 1969, the information about ‘Integrator gene’ was given by

58 / 100

Gibberellic acid was first discovered from

59 / 100

The ‘black wart disease’ of potato specially confined to Darjeeling hills is caused by the pathogen called

60 / 100

Milk protein coagulated by acid is termed as

61 / 100

The bunt of wheat is caused-by the pathogen called

62 / 100

In 1964, Opaque-2 mutant of maize was given by

63 / 100

The compounds, Which act as inhibitors of transpiration rate through their highly specific action on guard cells is called as

64 / 100

The family of locust is

65 / 100

The proportion of different alleles of a gene present in a mendeiran population are known as

66 / 100

Improvement Of yield by making a selection for a component character is called

67 / 100

The synthesis of cell constituent; from Simpler molecules, usually requiring energy is called as

68 / 100

The situation in which two different alleles for a trait are expressed unblended in the phenotype of heterozygous individuals is called as

69 / 100

Teichoic acid found in

70 / 100

The adjacent cell of the same fungal hypha brought into communication with each other by means of loops is known

71 / 100

Which species contain Ti-plasmid i.e, tumour inducing plasmid ?

72 / 100

Fusion of male and gametes from the same plant is called

73 / 100

An epidemic development in a variety carrying vertical resistance genes, and a low level of horizontal resistance, leading to heavy economic losses is referred to as

74 / 100

Pollination between the pollen and stigma within the same flower Of the same plant is called as

75 / 100

Ca is needed for synthesis of

76 / 100

The simultaneous manipulation of several characters for genetic improvement of economic yield is called

77 / 100

Agrobacterigm rhizogenes cause the formation of

78 / 100

The frequency of heterozygotes decreases in the progeny after matings among individuals of two previously isolated subpopulations is called as

79 / 100

The largest gene found in the genome Of an RNA Virus is

80 / 100

The average oil Content of castor seed is :

81 / 100

The measure of uncontrolled variation present in a sample is called

82 / 100

Indian Agricultural Research Institute’ Pusa (Bihar) was shifted to Delhi in the year

83 / 100

The DNA base sequences interrupting the protein- coding sequences of a gene; these sequences are transcribed into RNA but are cut out of the message before it is translated into protein was known as

84 / 100

A gene, which produces a product or phenotype that can be easily and unequivocally detected through simple tests is called as

85 / 100

Chromosome number Of Arabidopsis is

86 / 100

In 1925, the terms prokaryotes and eukaryotes was coined by

87 / 100

The major functions of ABA is/are

88 / 100

An organic compound produced by plants that is required in small amounts in the diet for the normal growth Of animal organisms is known as

89 / 100

Pollen basket is the other name for

90 / 100

All bacteria having a conjugative plasmid will have

91 / 100

A genetic marker that is detected as differential mobility of a Protein / DNA fragment or as differential amplification of a DNA sequence present in different individuals is known as

92 / 100

The powdery mildew of wheat is associated with fungi named

93 / 100

Wheat protein is called as

94 / 100

In 1903, the term ‘cytogenetics’ was coined by

95 / 100

The harmone ABA was first identified and characterized chemically in 1963

96 / 100

Insertion Of normal DNA directly into cells of human beings to correct a genetic defect was known as

97 / 100

Loss of chromosome segment is known as

98 / 100

The uredospores Of Puccinia graminis are disseminated by

99 / 100

Burgundy mixture contains sodium carbonate in place of CaC03 as in Bordeaux mixture was discovered in the year

100 / 100

Fractional sterilization is :

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