Rajasthan Pre-PG Questions Paper 2021

Rajasthan Pre-PG Questions Paper 2021 post thumbnail image

Q. 1. The’ diameter class (cm) followed in India

  1. 2.5.10
  2. 1.2.5
  3. 1.3.5
  4. 3,5,10

Q. 2. On-farm testing to assess the location specificity of agricultural technologies under various farming systems is the responsibility of ?

  1. ATIC
  2. ATMA
  3. KVK
  4. TRDP

Q. 3. Main constituent of biogas is

  1. Methane
  2. Hydrogen
  3. Carbon dioxide
  4. Carbon monoxide

Q. 4. Single cross hybrids, double cross hybrids, synthetic varieties and composite varieties are common in

  1. Wheat
  2. Cotton
  3. Sugarcane
  4. Maize

Q. 5. Loyal timber of poor farmer is

  1. Teak
  2. Sal
  3. Deodar
  4. Bamboo

Q. 6. The best native cattle breed for milk production is

  1. Kankrej
  2. Tharparkar
  3. Nellore
  4. Sahiwal

Q. 7. Percent of P,0, in Single Super Phosphate is

  1. 18
  2. 16
  3. 46
  4. 48

Q.8. The dominance of new genetic form as a result of environmental change is called

  1. Adaptation
  2. Succession
  3. Synergism
  4. Natural selection

Q. 9. In order to control the quality of processed food the Government of India passed Fruit Products Order (F.P.O.) in the year

  1. 1950
  2. 1973

  3. 1949

  4. 1955

Q. 10. Low salt tolerant fruit tree is

  1. Pomegranate
  2. Ber
  3. Apple
  4. Guava 

Q. 11. Project snow leopard was launched in

  1. 1973
  2. 1995
  3. 2009
  4. 2014

Q. 12. Which of the following salt is dominant in alkali soils?

  1. CH
  2. HCM,
  3. CO,
  4. SO

Q. 13. Trypan Blue has been perfected for staining egg-sac of

  1. Meloidogyne incognita
  2. Heterodera cajani
  3. Rotylenchulus reniformis
  4. Meloidogyne indica

Q. 14. The sugarcane variety covering the maximum area in the country is

  1. Co 0238
  2. Co 86032
  3. COM 0265
  4. Co 0118

Q. 15. Photo respiration is the process occurs in

  1. Peroxisomes
  2. Mitochondria
  3. Peroxisomes in association with chloroplast and mitochondria
  4. Mitochondria in association with chloroplast

 Q.16. Which insect pest causes skeletonizations in brinjal leaves?

  1. Leucinodes orbonalis
  2. Myllocerus subfasciatus 
  3. Epilachna vigintioctopunctata
  4. Urentius echinus

Q. 17. The term “Noblization” is common in

  1. Wheat
  2. Sugarcane
  3. Sorghum
  4. Maize

Q. 18. White rust of crucifers is caused by

  1. Alternaria alternata
  2. Albugo candida
  3. Fusarium moniliforme
  4. Rhizoctonia solani

Q. 19. Combination of Wheat/Maize + Poplar + Livestock give rise to a agroforestry

  1. Silvi-Agri-Pastoral
  2. Agri-Silvi-Pastoral
  3. Pastoral-Silvi-Agriculture
  4. Agri-Pastoral-Silviculture

Q. 20. Which one of the following is not a cooperative principle?

  1. No Liability
  2. Limited Area of Operation
  3. Honorary Management
  4. Voluntary Participation

Q. 21. The process of heritable structural changes is genes is known as

  1. Cross-over
  2. Linkage
  3. Penetrance
  4. Mutation

Q. 22. Backcrossing method is used

  1. For hybrid development
  2. In cross pollinated crops
  3. for improving single trait new variety
  4. For developing altogether

Q. 23. Which one of the followings is not a form of Apomixis

  1. Apogany
  2. Parthenogenesis
  3. Apospory
  4. Selfing

Q. 24. Geographical seed source from where seeds/propagules of any species are collected is known as

  1. Seed source
  2. Seed stand
  3. Provenance
  4. Regeneration stand

Q. 25. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of Iso-revenue line?

  1. It is a straight line
  2. Iso-revenue lines are parallel to each other
  3. Slope of iso- revenue line indicates the inverse price
  4. Slope is not affected by price changes ratio of the products

Q. 26. Frontline and Method demonstrations are examples of which extension teaching methods?

  1. Individual contact
  2. Group contact
  3. Mass contact
  4. Mass & Individual

Q. 27. In which nutrients, microbial process are more important to make it available?

  1. N and P
  2. N and K
  3. N and S
  4. N and Ca

Q. 28. The ability of a single cell to regenerate into a whole plant from which it was deriva is known as

  1. Regeneration
  2. Transformation
  3. Totipotency
  4. Sub culturing

Q. 29. Upon which of the following host plants, only kusmi strain of Kerria lacca can developed?

  1. Butea monosperma
  2. Ziziphus mauritiana
  3. Shorea oleosa
  4. Acacia auriculiformis

Q. 30. Used as visual extension aids, these are the series of cards which when presented below the audience in proper sequence, tell a complete story?

  1. Flip chart
  2. Poster
  3. Flash Cards
  4. Slide projector

Q. 31. Rust pathogen belongs to which group of fungi

  1. Ascomycetes
  2. Oomycetes
  3. Basidiomycetes
  4. Myxomycetes

Q. 32. Hydroponics is the technique of

  1. Growing plants in sand
  2. Growing plants in soil filled in pots
  3. supplemented with nutrient solution Growing plants in nutrient solutions
  4. Growing plants with their roots bathed in the nutrient mist.

Q. 33. Biodiesel is

  1. Obtained from fermentation of sugar
  2. Obtained from pyrolysis process
  3. Exudates of plants

  4. An upgraded vegetable oil

Q. 34. “Ruby’ hybrid of pomegranate is developed at

  1. CAZRI, Jodhpur
  2. THR, Bengaluru
  3. CIAH, Bikaner .
  4. TARI, New Delhi

Q. 35. The species of root knot nematode that attacks wheat is

  1. Pratylenchus loosi
  2. Pratylenchus indicus
  3. Pratylenchus thornei
  4. Pratylenchus vulnus

Q. 36. Under alkaline condition:

  1. DNA is rapidly hydrolyzed
  2. RNA is rapidly hydrolyzed
  3. DNA and RNA are rapidly hydrolyzed
  4. Neither DNA nor RNA is rapidly hydrolyzed

Q.37. The common shrub used for green leaf manuring is

  1. Dhaincha
  2. Cluster bean
  3. Sunhemp
  4. Glyricidia

Q.38. The Nitrogen content of leaf litter varies from

  1. 50-150 Kg
  2. 500-1000 kg
  3. 150-300 kg
  4. > 1000 kg

Q. 39. Fireflies belong to which order?

  1. Diptera
  2. Neuroptera
  3. Coleoptera
  4. Mecoptera

Q. 40. 55 Community Development Projects were launched on different parts of the country in which year?

  1. 1954
  2. 1952
  3. 1964
  4. 1975

Q. 41. Muddy runoff from the field is an indicator of

  1. Splash erosion
  2. Gully erosion
  3. Rill crosion
  4. Sheet crosion

Q. 42. Keikies and pseudobulbs are propagation units of which cut flower:

  1. Orchids
  2. Gladiolus
  3. Bird of paradise
  4. Anthurium

Q.43. Red rot disease of sugarcane is caused by which fungus

  1. Puccinia recondita
  2. Collclotrichum glocosporiodes
  3. Colletotrichum falcatum
  4. Fusarium oxysporum .

Q.44. Whole pod edible variety of pea is……

  1. Kashi Nandini
  2. Lincoln
  3. Arka Apoorva
  4. Little Marve

Q. 45. In which system of drainage arrangement, dead furrows are formed

  1. Parallel system
  2. Random system
  3. Bedding system
  4. Interception system

Q.46. Who suggest the term functional nutrients?

  1. Griss
  2. Leibig
  3. Nicholus
  4. Arnon

Q. 47. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research launched this innovative technolog! assessment and refinement programme in 1995, which was based on the concepto participatory mode, ensuring greater linkage between scientist and farmer in a bolton up approach?

  1. ATMA
  2. KVK
  3. IVLP
  4. NATP

Q. 48. In North America, temperate grasslands are called

  1. Prairies
  2. Savannas
  3. Steppes
  4. Biomes

Q. 49. Which one of the following is an undiscounted measure of project appraisal?

  1. Net Present Worth (NPW)
  2. Benefit Cost Ratio (B:C Ratio)
  3. Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
  4. Pay back Period.

Q. 50. A symbiotic association of a fungus with the roots of a higher plant is called

  1. Nitrification
  2. Lichen
  3. Nodulation
  4. Mycorrhiza

Q. 51. What kind of nesting behavior is seen in Apis cerana indica?

  1. Single unit
  2. Depend on environment
  3. Parallel comb
  4. Octagonal

Q. 52. In which fruit trees fruit buds borne terminally

  1. Mango
  2. Grape
  3. Peach
  4. Ber

Q.53. Main content of Katha is

  1. Catechin
  2. Catechu tannic acid
  3. Aetic acid
  4. Catechoides

Q.54. Which is not a component of contingent cropping growing under

  1. Normal weather conditions
  2. Aberrant weather conditions
  3. Encounter emergency conditions
  4. Suitable crop in place of normal crop

Q. 55. Pearl millet + black gram is an important intercropping of which state

  1. Bihar
  2. Rajasthan
  3. Jammu
  4. Karnataka

Q. 56. Abujh Maria tribes are found in

  1. Manipur
  2. Nagaland
  3. Meghalaya
  4. Madhya Pradesh

Q.57. Progeny for which only one parent is known

  1. Full Sib
  2. Half Sib
  3. Unknown
  4. Genetic drift

Q. 58. Anaerobic respiration in certain microorganism’s results

  1. Production of ethanol/lactic acid and Co2
  2. Production of ethanol/lactic acid and Co2
  3. Production of CO2 and H20
  4. Production of ethanol/lactic acid and O2

Q. 59. Which of the following type of soil survey is most suitable for watershed planning

  1. Exploratory surve
  2. Detailed survey
  3. Reconnaissance survey
  4. Semi-detailed survey

Q.60. Environmentally sustainable dry land farming system emphasis

  1. Inclusion of more cropping system
  2. Conservation tillage
  3. Conservation and utilization of natural resources
  4. None of these

Q. 61. How much carbon content in organic matter?

  1. 58%
  2. 92%
  3. 49%
  4. 5%

Q. 62. If soils have pH 4.5 than which type soil required more amount of lime for reclam reclamation

  1. Clay
  2. Loamy 
  3. Silty
  4. Sandy

Q. 63. Which microbial species are used as biological control agent for the plant pathogen 

  1. Thichoderma
  2. Puccinia
  3. Saccahromyces
  4. Colletotrichum

Q. 64. Which of the most popular type of washing operation for fruit and vegetables?

  1. Water flooding
  2. Spray washing
  3. Drum washer
  4. Barrel washing

Q.65. Culling is the process of

  1. Eliminating surplus and undesirable animals 
  2. Allocating identification number to animals
  3. Removal of horns
  4. Separating young one from the mother

Q. 66. Rancidity of lipids in lipid-rich foodstuff is because of

  1. Reduction of fatty acids
  2. Hydrogenation of unsaturated fatty acids
  3. Dehydrogenation of saturated fatty acids
  4. Oxidation of fatty acids

Q.67.  Mr F L Brayne was associated with ?

  1. Marthandam
  2. Gurgaon experiment
  3. Etawah pilot project
  4. Firka development scheme

Q. 68. Dwarf cavendish belongs to which genomic group

  1. AB
  2. AA
  3. AAAA
  4. AAA

Q. 69. Farming System Research involves

  1. Low cost location specific technology
  2. High cost location specific technology
  3. Medium cost location specific
  4. None of these technology

Q. 70. Detachment, transportation and deposition of soil particles from one place to another place is termed as

  1. Soil degradation
  2. Soil erosion
  3. Soil flow
  4. Soil movement www.agristudyinfo.com

Q. 71. Recombination fraction expressing the proportion of cross-overs verses parental combinations in a progeny – is known as 

  1. Linkage
  2. Linkage map
  3. Linkage value
  4. Pleiotropy

Q. 72. Which one of the followings is not a common class of certified Breeder seed in India

  1. Breeder seed
  2. Foundation seed
  3. Registered seed
  4. Certified seed

Q. 73. Bagging of fruits with paper bag and muslin cloth in pomegranate is done against which pest?

  1. Deudorix (Virachola) isocrates
  2. Siphoninus phillyreac
  3. Coelosterna spinator
  4. Scirtothrips dorsalis

Q. 74. Which is not a component of Sustainable agriculture

  1. Sustainable utilization of land & water resources
  2. Sustainable utilization
  3. biodiversity Soil degradation
  4. INM & IPP

 Q.75. Gelatinous matrix in Meloidogyne is secreted by

  1. Uterine cells
  2. Hypodermal glands
  3. Vaginal glands
  4. Rectal glands

Q.76. Which is the national representative body of all fertilizer manufacturers in India?

  1. FAI
  2. ISSS
  3. FCO
  4. NBSS & LUP

Q.77. Purchase of dairy animals should be done based on

  1. Age of an animali
  2. Breed characteristics
  3. After assessing actual milk yield for 2-3 consecutive days
  4. Social status of the owner of animal 

Q.78. One cycle of simple recurrent selection is completed in

  1. 2 years
  2. 3 years
  3. 4 years
  4.  5 years

79. Which word means “from the beginning, anew”

  1. In situ
  2. De novo
  3. In vitro
  4. Ex situ

Q. 80. A farmer applied 100 litres or nerbicide solution having concentration of 0.2% Calculate the amount of herbicide applied

  1. 20 g
  2. 200 g
  3. 2000 g
  4. None of them


Q. 81. Collection of facts, analysis of the situation, identification of problems, determination of objectives, development of the plan of work, execution of the plan of work, evaluation and reconsideration are the steps of ?

  1. Extension teaching process
  2. Programme planning process
  3. Extension evaluation process
  4. Grow more food campaign

Q. 82. Fruit tree pollinated by birds are

  1. Apple and Pear
  2. Banana and Pineapple
  3. Papaya and Pomegranate
  4. Mango and Guava

Q.83. Phytoplasma belongs to which group of microorganism

  1. Algae
  2. Bacteria
  3. Fungi
  4. Virus

Q. 84. Filter chamber is seen in which of the following insects?

  1. Aphids
  2. Mites
  3. Louse
  4. Fleas

Q. 85. Drip irrigation system is not suitable for

  1. Row crops
  2. Fruits
  3. Vegetables
  4. Close growing crops

Q. 86. Calyx splitting is main post harvest disorder of cut flower

  1. Rose
  2. Gladiolus
  3. Camation
  4. Orchid

Q. 87. Soil water potential at FC ranges from

  1. -0.01 to -0.03 bars
  2. -O.1 to -0.3 M Pa
  3. -0.01 to -0.03 M Pa
  4. -0.001 to -0.003 M Pa

Q. 88. Which of the following crop is known as poor’s man meat?

  1. Barley
  2. Soybean
  3. Potato
  4. Cabbage

Q. 89. Pollination and fertilization in an unopened flower bud is called

  1. Inbreeding
  2. Cleistogamy
  3. Cross pollination
  4. Cross-over

Q. 90. Which of these enzymes requires ATP/GTP?

  1. Lyases
  2. Ligases
  3. Hydrolases
  4. Dehydrogenases

Q. 91. Apni Mandi is also called

  1. Dudh Mandi
  2. Anaj Mandi
  3. Kisan Mandi
  4. Phal Mandi

Q. 92. To provide the research workers an opportunity to get ” problems being faced by the farmers in adopting high yieldi package of practices, was one of the objectives of ?

  1. Lab to Land Programme
  2. ORP
  3. IRDP
  4. National Demonstration

Q. 93. ……………….. is independent of origin but not of scale

  1. Correlation coefficient
  2. Arithmetic mean
  3. Regression coefficient
  4. Parameter

Q. 94. The middle men which act as representatives of their clients are called

  1. Merchant Middle Men
  2. Itinerant Traders
  3. Agent Middle Men
  4. Mashakhores

Q. 95. Temperature requirement for Snowball type cauliflower varieties is

  1. 10-15°C
  2. 20-25°C
  3. 12-16°C
  4. 20-27°C

Q. 96. Okra yellow vein mosaic virus and cowpea mosaic virus are transmitted by me insects, respectively?

  1. Aphis gossypii and Bemisia tabaci
  2. Bemisia tabaci and Aphis craccivora
  3. Bemisia tabaci and Aphis gossypii
  4. Aphis craccivora and Bemisia tabaci

Q. 97. Individual selection is preferred when heritability of the trait considered is

  1. Low
  2. Very low
  3. Medium
  4. High to very high

Q. 98. Which microbe is commonly used in production of Alcoholic beverages

  1. Lactobacillus lactis
  2. Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  3. Penicillium chrysogenum
  4. Bacillus subtilis

Q. 99. The idea of controlling insects by sterilizing them was first conceived by?

  1. Robson
  2. E.F. Knipling
  3. A.G. Tansley
  4. T.H. Morgan

Q. 100. ………………… method of classification is used for continuous variable

  1. Discrete
  2. Exclusive
  3. Random
  4. Inclusive

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