Examups – Boost Your Exam Potential Agri-Facts Rice to related Facts with Image (#2003)

Rice to related Facts with Image (#2003)

Rice to related Facts with Image (#2003) post thumbnail image

Most important Agriculture facts related to Rice (Paddy). one-liner important for AFO, ICAR, JRF, BHU, Pre-PG, JET, RRB-SO, IBPS-SO, IFFCO-AGT, NABAD, etc All Agri-exams

Botanical name: Oryza sativa, Origin: Indo-Burma, Family: Gramineae, Chromosome no. (2n): 24
Fruit type of rice is caryopsis, •The grain cryopsis is tightly enclosed by lema and palea collectively called the hull. •Rice Inflorescence known as panical.•Rice stem is called Culm.
Oryza sativa has 3 varietal types: •Indica: Growing in India (Tropical rice), •Japonica: Growing in Japan (Subtropical rice), •Javanica: Growing in Indonesia (wild rice).
Sowing/Harvesting Time, Aus, Aman, Boro
Seed Rate: Broadcasting100 kg/ha, Drilling60 kg/ha, Hybrid
rice15 kg/ha, SRI System5-6 kg/ha, Dapog method1.5-2 kg/ha.
BGA (Blue green algae) fixes 20-30 kg nitrogen /ha in a rice field.
Rice Disease : Blast of Rice caused by Pyricularia oryzae,
Sheath Blight C.O. Rhizoctonia solani
Brown Spot C. O. Helminthosporium oryzae
Bacterial Leaf Blight (Kresek) C.O. Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzae
Foot rot or Bakanae disease C.O. Fusarium moniliforme
False smut C.O. Ustilaginoidea virens
Major Pests : Green leaf hopper (Nephotettix virescens), Brown plant hopper (Nilaparvata lugens), White backed plant hopper (Sogatella furcifera), Rice Gundhi bug (Leptocorisa acuta), Thrips (Stenchaetothrips biformis)
Rice grain contain 20-25 % Moisture at Harvesting time.
In India average yield/ha: 3.62 Tonnes
Punjab & Southern state (Rice Yield): 55-60 q/ha

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