Soil Science MCQ part – 7th

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Soil Science Mock test series for JRF/SRF and Other Exams


Soil Science Mock Test

Total Number of Questions: 50

Certificate: On Email

Which is a metamorphic rock?

Hydraulic conductivity of soil varies directly with ?

Illuviation is the process of..?

O horizon is can be seen in..?

Bench terracing is practice on the land..?

Source of Mn is..?

Factor of faunal perturbation is/are..?

Law of minimum was given by?

Formation of hydromorphic soil due to..?

Soil loss equation due to wind erosion includes ?

Horizon of maximum accumulation is..

Which is a transition layer

Example of secondary formation rock is..?

What happens when C:N ratio is below 20:1 ?

A definite genetic horizon is absent in..?

Passive factor of soil formation includes ?

Humification is a process of..

Soil loss equation due to water erosion includes ?

Total numbers of soil profile are..

The unconsolidated material is found in..?

Clay soil contains..?

Formula of quartz is..?

Source of boron is

Which has higher water holding capacity?

Lands not used for cultivation are classified in?

Law of minimum was given in the year?

Lands suitable for cultivation are classified in?

Eluviation is the process of..?

A horizon is..?

Percentage of organic matter in organic soil (high clay content) is..?

Permanent feature of soil is..?

Solonization is process of..?

Split application of fertilizer is applied in..?

E horizon is also known as..?

Size of clay is..?

Percentage of organic matter in organic soil (low clay content) is..?

Study of soil is known as..

According to land capability classification, class of deep red soil is?

Dolomite is a..?

Percentage of organic matter in mineral soil is ?

In soil formation, parent material is considered as..?

Source of phosphorus is..?

Pedozolization occurs in..?

Study of soil with higher plant is known as?

Which is true about regolith?

Laterization results in.

According to international classification of soil the size of gravel is

Type of igneous rock is..?

Weathering is a ........ process a type of physical weathering

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The average score is 38%


Soil Science Mock Test series for ICAR JRF 2021

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