Examups – Boost Your Exam Potential NSC Old Paper,NSCL 🔥Special Test for NSC Exam 2021

🔥Special Test for NSC Exam 2021

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NSC Test

Agriculture Questions: 60
Total Pointes: 60
Total Time: 60 min.

Test Take: 1

1 / 60

RBI has recently increased household income limits for borrowers of NBFCs and MFIs to

2 / 60

On the basis of time, the loan provided to the farmer for purchasing the one milch cattle, is called?

3 / 60

What is the seed multiplication ratio of Cotton

4 / 60

Which among the following crop is hexaploid and developed by using outcrossing

5 / 60

What is the Botanical name of castor

6 / 60

Who is the present president of Indian council of Agricultural Research

7 / 60

Which among the following is dual purpose breed?

8 / 60

What is the maximum storage time in rural godown

9 / 60

Spike type inflorescence is associated with which crop

10 / 60

Which among the following crops is not an annual crop

11 / 60

The tilt angle bf the disc plough should be between

12 / 60

Which among the following bifertlizer is crop specific bio fertilizer for Legume

13 / 60

Vermi compost is the process of compost making with the help of earthworm. What is the average dung (Kg/day) produced by cattle in India

14 / 60

World food safety day is celebrated every year on

15 / 60

Which among the following operation is conducted in pseudo stem of banana after bunch harvesting

16 / 60

What is the pattern of assistance under Blue Revolution Scheme (Beneficiary- oriented)

17 / 60

Which is the newly added element in the list of essential elements

18 / 60

Locust Warning Organization (LWO) monitors locust situation/activities over an area 2.00 lakh sq km of the scheduled desert area in parts of Rajasthan, Gujarat and Haryana. It is headquarter is located at

19 / 60

Benefits of Atal Pension Yojana are available to which category of people

20 / 60

Botanical name of king mandarin

21 / 60

Which of the following soil not suitable for the nursery stage

22 / 60

Which of the following is a high tech, high value agricultural project?

23 / 60

Which among following crop based on rainfed

24 / 60

Under the Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007 RBI has recently changed the timing of NEFT. What is the current time period for NEFT

25 / 60

What is the Maximum Premium payable by farmer (% of Sum Insured) for Rabi crops under Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana

26 / 60

What is the recommended ratio of NPK in Oilseed crop

27 / 60

Which among the technique of growing crops in soil-less media using nutrient solutions

28 / 60

Which of the following source improve soil structure?

29 / 60

Which crop has highest share of total fertilizer consumption in India

30 / 60

If pollination take place between two different flowers but from the same plant, this type of pollination is called (MPPSC-2019)

31 / 60

As per NABARD norms, what is the lime requirement ( kg/ha ) in fish pond when soil Ph is 8.7

32 / 60

What is the number of total KVK in India

33 / 60

In which year tractor manufacturing was started in India

34 / 60

Which among the following river has highest catchment area

35 / 60

The food safety and standards Act was came into effect from?

36 / 60

Which among the following app has been recently launched by the RBI to help visually challenged people to identify denomination of currency notes

37 / 60

What is the pulse rate of sheep in every two minutes?

38 / 60

Which among the following pulse crop has the highest contribution in Indian Pulses production?

39 / 60

Jackfruit is state fruit of Kerala. What is the commercial method of propagation method for cashew nut

40 / 60

The moisture content at different tensions during wetting of soil varies from the moisture content at same tensions during drying. this effect is called as

41 / 60

Feeding habit of common carp is-

42 / 60

Which fruit crop has the maximum production

43 / 60

Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojna ( PKVY ) was launched in April 2015 ,which among the following state has first rank (area wise) in organic certification

44 / 60

which of the following varieties of mandarin type orange is cultivated in Karnataka state

45 / 60

Which of the following is a high salt tolerant crop? (Raj 1st Grade Paper-2020)

46 / 60

Total Geographical area of India is around 329 million ha. Out of that how much land is covered with forest having canopy density ranging from 10-40 % (in million hectare)

47 / 60

Banana bract disease is transmitted by?

48 / 60

River bed cultivation is related

49 / 60

RBI has recently amended the KYC norms to introduce a video based digital technology on 10th January 2020. What is the name of this new technology

50 / 60

Monocropping with maize has led to the attack of which pest last year

51 / 60

Which among the following TBO (tree borne oilseeds) plant has highest Gestation period in years

52 / 60

What is the number of total KVK in India

53 / 60

50-75 percentage of soil loss in wind erosion is due to

54 / 60

Rainbow is a variety of which fruit?

55 / 60

Marek is disease found in

56 / 60

What is the number of plants per hectare in Jatropha

57 / 60

Which among the following nutrient helps in chlorophyll formation?

58 / 60

Which winter season crop is used for fences

59 / 60

Hen & Chicken a disorder is observed in

60 / 60

Which PGR is responsible for cell division and root formation

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