Syllabus for cotton corporation of India 2021 – PDF download
CCI Exam Pattern for Management Trainee & Junior Assistant. Cotton Corporation of India Limited has uploaded the Complete Syllabus and Exam Pattern for the post of Management Trainee and Junior Assistant Vacancies.
Syllabus for Cotton Corporation of India 2021
Exam pattern:
The paper would be in 5 parts with 120 Objective MCQ type to be attempted in120 minutes. 1 mark would be given for each correct answer and 0.25(1/4)
marks deducted for each wrong answer.
Section name (Nature of Questions) | Marks per item | No. of Items |
Unit-I: General English | 01 Mark | 15 Ques. |
Unit-II: Reasoning | 01 Mark | 15 Ques. |
Unit-III: Quantitative Aptitude | 01 Mark | 15 Ques. |
Unit-IV: General Knowledge | 01 Mark | 15 Ques. |
Unit-V: Subject Knowledge | 01 Mark | 60 Ques. |

Unit-I: General English
- Articles,
- Prepositions,
- vocabulary,
- Reading and Comprehension,
- synonym,
- jumbled sentences
Unit-II: Reasoning
- Syllogism,
- coded inequalities,
- direction and distance,
- ordering and ranking,
- blood relation,
- Data interpretation,
- coding and decoding,
- deductive logic,
- data sufficiency,
- series compilation,
- puzzles,
- pattern completion etc.
Unit-III: Quantitative Aptitude
- Ratio and proportion,
- Time and work,
- speed and distance,
- percentages and averages,
- profit, loss, and discount,
- probability,
- Simple and Compound Interest, etc.
Unit-IV: General Knowledge
- Indian geography,
- Indian trade & Economy,
- current affairs- World & India,
- scientific research,
- awards,
- sports,
- World geography etc.
Unit-V: Subject Knowledge – Indicative syllabus
- Agricultural & Food Policy
- Agricultural Finance
- Marketing of Agricultural Inputs
- Strategic Food Marketing
- Management for Agribusiness Projects
- Market Research and Information Systems
- International Agri-Food Trade
- Value Chain Management – Applications in Agribusiness
- CINE: Understanding Creativity, Innovation, Knowledge, Networks And Entrepreneurship
- Food and Agri-business International Strategies and Organizations
- Micro Finance Management
- Food Supply Chain Management
- Analyzing and Building Competencies
- Carbon Finance
- Public Policy
- Social Entrepreneurship: Innovating Social Change
- Sales and Distribution Management For Agriculture
- Agribusiness EntrepreneurshipAgribusiness Leadership
- Agricultural Futures and Option Markets
- Agricultural Markets and Pricing
- Economics of Food Quality
- Applied Agricultural Trade and Policy Analysis
- Managing Sustainability
- Managing Energy Businesses
- Agricultural marketing, Trade & Practices
- Farm Power and Machinery
- Agricultural Entomology
- Crop Pest and their Management
- Agricultural Microbiology
- Soil Microbiology
- Principles of Agricultural Agronomy
- Field crops
- Weed Management
- Organic Farming
- Dimension of Agricultural Farming
- Cotton procurement, cotton area, production, yield and cotton scenario both
- domestic and international cotton.
Syllabus for Cotton Corporation of India 2021
Exam pattern:
The paper would be in 5 parts with 120 Objective MCQ type to be attempted in120 minutes. 1 mark would be given for each correct answer and 0.25(1/4)
marks deducted for each wrong answer.
Section name (Nature of Questions) | Marks per item | No. of Items |
Unit-I: General English | 01 Mark | 15 Ques. |
Unit-II: Reasoning | 01 Mark | 15 Ques. |
Unit-III: Quantitative Aptitude | 01 Mark | 15 Ques. |
Unit-IV: General Knowledge | 01 Mark | 15 Ques. |
Unit-V: Subject Knowledge | 01 Mark | 60 Ques. |
Syllabus for cotton corporation of India 2021 – PDF download
Subject Knowledge – Indicative syllabus
- Accounting
- Accounting Standards, Introduction to Accounting Standards, Overview of
- Accounting Standard
- AS 1: Disclosure of Accounting Policies,
- AS 2: Valuation of Inventories
- AS 3: Cash Flow Statements,
- AS 6: Depreciation Accounting,
- AS 7: Construction Contracts,
- AS 9: Revenue Recognition,
- AS 10: Accounting for Fixed Assets,
- AS 13: Accounting for Investments,
- AS 14: Accounting for Amalgamation – Financial statements of Company- Preparation of financial statements- Cash flow Statement (Profit and Loss Account, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement)-Profit/Loss prior to incorporation- Accounting for Bonus Issue, Amalgamation and Reconstruction, Average Due Date and Account Current, Self-Balancing Ledgers, Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Organizations, Accounts from Incomplete Records,
- Accounting for Special Transactions
- (a) Hire purchase and installment sale transactions
- (b)Investment accounts
- (c) Insurance claims for loss of stock and loss of profit. Issues in Partnership Accounts
- Accounting in Computerized Environment.
Business Laws
The Indian Contract Act, 1872, the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881, The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965, The Employees’ Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952, The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972.
Company law
The Companies Act, 2013, Preliminary, Prospectus, Share and Share capital.
Cost Accounting
Introduction to Cost Accounting, Materials, Labor, Overheads, Non-Integrated Accounts, Methods, Job and Batch, Contract, Operating, Process and Operation, Standard Costing, Marginal Costing, Budgets and Budgetary Control
Financial Management
Scope and Objectives of Financial Management, Time Value of Money, Financial Analysis and Planning, Financing Decisions, Types of Financing, Investment Decisions, Management of working capital.
The Income-tax Act, 1961, Basic concepts, Residential status and scope of total income, Incomes which do not form part of total income ( Sec 10), 5 Heads of income, Provisions of Clubbing, Set-off and carry forward of losses, Deductions from gross total income, Computation of total income and tax payable. Provisions concerning Advance tax and TDS, Provisions for filing of return of income highlights of Goods and Services Tax Act (GST).
Advanced Accounting
Conceptual Framework for Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements
Accounting Standards
AS 4: Contingencies and Events occurring after the Balance Sheet Date
AS 5: Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Prior Period Items and Changes in Accounting Policies
AS 11: The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
AS 12: Accounting for Government Grants
AS 16: Borrowing Costs
AS 19: Leases
AS 20: Earnings per Share
AS 26: Intangible Assets
AS 29: Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
Advanced Issues in Partnership Accounts, Company Accounts, Employee stock option plan and Buyback of securities, Amalgamation, and Reconstruction, Underwriting of shares and debentures, Redemption of debentures, Accounting for Special Transactions, Insurance Companies, Banking Companies, Electricity Companies, Departmental accounts, Branch accounts including foreign branches.
Auditing and Assurance
Auditing Concepts, Auditing and Assurance Standards, Preparation for an Audit, Internal Control, Vouching, Verification of Assets and Liabilities, Company Audit, Audit Report, Special Audit.
The paper would be in 5 parts with 120 Objective MCQ type to be attempted in 120 minutes. 1 mark would be given for each correct answer and 0.25(1/4) marks deducted for each wrong answer.
Note: The level of the paper will be consistent with the educational qualification prescribed for each post
Subject Knowledge – Indicative syllabus
- Agricultural marketing, Trade & Practices
- Farm Power and Machinery
- Agricultural Entomology
- Crop Pest and their Management
- Agricultural Microbiology
- Soil Microbiology
- Principles of Agricultural Agronomy
- Field crops
- Weed Management
- Organic Farming
- Dimension of Agricultural Farming
- Cotton procurement, cotton area, production, yield and cotton scenario both
- domestic and international cotton.
The paper would be in 5 parts with 120 Objective MCQ type to be attempted in 120 minutes. 1 mark would be given for each correct answer and 0.25(1/4) marks deducted for each wrong answer.
Syllabus for cotton corporation of India 2021 – PDF download
Note: The level of the paper will be consistent with the educational qualification prescribed for each post
Subject Knowledge – Indicative syllabus
- Agricultural marketing, Trade & Practices
- Farm Power and Machinery
- Agricultural Entomology
- Crop Pest and their Management
- Agricultural Microbiology
- Soil Microbiology
- Principles of Agricultural Agronomy
- Field crops
- Weed Management
- Organic Farming
- Dimension of Agricultural Farming
- Cotton procurement, cotton area, production, yield, and cotton scenario
- both domestic and international cotton.
- General Administration

The paper would be in 5 parts with 120 Objective MCQ type to be attempted in 120 minutes. 1 mark would be given for each correct answer and 0.25(1/4) marks deducted for each wrong answer.
Note: The level of the paper will be consistent with the educational qualification prescribed for each post
Syllabus for cotton corporation of India 2021 – PDF download
Subject Knowledge – Indicative syllabus
- Financial Accounting
- Accounting as a Financial Information System; Impact of Behavioral Sciences.
- Accounting Standards e.g., Accounting for Depreciation, Inventories, Research and Development Costs, Long-term Construction Contracts, Revenue Recognition, Fixed Assets, Contingencies, Foreign Exchange Transactions, Investments and Government Grants, Cash Flow Statement, Earnings Per Share. Accounting for Share Capital Transactions including Bonus Shares, Right Shares, Employees Stock Option and BuyBack of Securities. Preparation and Presentation of Company Final Accounts. Amalgamation, Absorption and Reconstruction of Companies.
- Cost Accounting
- Nature and Functions of Cost Accounting. Installation of Cost Accounting System. Cost Concepts related to Income Measurement, Profit Planning, Cost Control and Decision Making. Methods of Costing: Job Costing, Process Costing, Activity Based Costing. Volume – cost – Profit Relationship as a tool of Profit Planning. Incremental Analysis/ Differential Costing as a Tool of Pricing Decisions, Product Decisions, Make or Buy Decisions, ShutDown Decisions etc. Techniques of Cost Control and Cost Reduction: Budgeting as a Tool of Planning and Control. Standard Costing and Variance Analysis. Responsibility Accounting and Divisional Performance Measurement.
- Taxation
- Income Tax: Definitions; Basis of Charge; Incomes which do not form Part of Total Income. Simple problems of Computation of Income (of Individuals only) under Various Heads, i.e., Salaries, Income from House Property, Profits and Gains from Business or Profession, Capital Gains, Income from other sources, Income of other Persons included in Assessee’s Total Income. Set – Off and Carry Forward of Loss. Deductions from Gross Total Income. Salient Features/Provisions Related to VAT and Services Tax.
- Business Law
- The Indian Contract Act, 1872, The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881, The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965, The Employees’ Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952, The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972.
- Auditing
- Company Audit: Audit related to Divisible Profits, Dividends, Special investigations, Tax audit. Audit of Banking, Insurance, Non-Profit Organizations and Charitable Societies/ Trusts/Organizations
- Financial Management
- Finance Function: Nature, Scope and Objectives of Financial Management: Risk and Return Relationship.
- Tools of Financial Analysis: Ratio Analysis, Funds-Flow and Cash-Flow Statement.
- Capital Budgeting Decisions: Process, Procedures and Appraisal Methods. Risk and Uncertainty Analysis and Methods.
- Cost of capital: Concept, Computation of Specific Costs and Weighted Average Cost of Capital. CAPM as a Tool of Determining Cost of Equity Capital.
- Financing Decisions: Theories of Capital Structure – Net Income (NI) Approach, Net Operating Income (NOI) Approach, MM Approach and Traditional Approach.
- Designing of Capital structure: Types of Leverages (Operating, Financial and Combined) EBIT- EPS Analysis, and Other Factors
- Dividend Decisions and Valuation of Firm: Walter’s Model, MM Thesis, Gordan’s Model, Lintner’s Model. Factors Affecting Dividend Policy.
- Working Capital Management: Planning of Working Capital. Determinants of Working Capital. Components of Working Capital – Cash, Inventory and Receivables. Corporate Restructuring with focus on Mergers and Acquisitions (Financial aspects only)
- Financial Markets and Institutions
- Indian Financial System: An overview Money.
- Markets: Participants, Structure and Instruments.
- Commercial Banks. Reforms in Banking sector. Monetary and Credit Policy of RBI. RBI as a Regulator.
- Capital Market: Primary and Secondary Market. Financial Market Instruments and Innovative Debt Instruments; SEBI as a Regulator.
- Financial Services: Mutual Funds, Venture Capital, Credit Rating Agencies, Insurance and IRDA.
- Organizational Theory
- Nature and Concept of Organization; External Environment of Organizations –
- Technological, Social, Political, Economical and Legal; Organizational Goals – Primary
- and Secondary goals, Single and Multiple Goals; Management by Objectives.
- Evolution of Organization Theory: Classical, Neo-classical and Systems Approach.
- Modern Concepts of Organization Theory, Organizational Design, Organizational
- Structure and Organizational Culture.
- Organizational Design–Basic Challenges; Differentiation and Integration Process;
- Centralization and Decentralization Process; Standardization / Formalization and
- Mutual Adjustment. Coordinating Formal and Informal Organizations. Mechanistic and
- Organic Structures.
- Designing Organizational structures–Authority and Control; Line and Staff Functions,
- Specialization and Coordination. Types of Organization Structure –Functional. Matrix
- Structure, Project Structure. Nature and Basis of Power, Sources of Power, Power
- Structure and Politics. Impact of Information Technology on Organizational Design
- and Structure. Managing Organizational Culture.
- Organizational Behavior
- Meaning and Concept; Individual in organizations: Personality, Theories, and Determinants.
- Perception – Meaning and Process.
- Motivation: Concepts, Theories and Applications.
- Leadership-Theories and Styles.
- Quality of Work Life (QWL): Meaning and its impact on Performance, Ways of its
- Enhancement.
- Quality Circles (QC)– Meaning and their Importance.
- Management of Conflicts in Organizations. Transactional Analysis, Organizational
- Effectiveness, Management of Change.
Syllabus for cotton corporation of India 2021 – PDF download
- Human Resources Management(HRM)
- Meaning, Nature and Scope of HRM, Human Resource Planning, Job Analysis, Job Description, Job Specification, Recruitment Process, Selection Process, Orientation
- and Placement, Training and Development Process, Performance Appraisal and 360°
- Feed Back, Salary and Wage Administration, Job Evaluation, Employee Welfare,
- Promotions, Transfers and Separations.