Types of Maize

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In This article learn about types of maize (Maize grain types) it is most important topic for IFFCO, NSC, CCI, AFO, JRF, BHU, Pre-PG, Agriculture Supervisor, etc. All Agriculture competitive exams.

1. Flint Corn (Zea mays indurata)

  • Entire outer portion of kernel is hard starch.
  • Commonly cultivated in India.
  • Because flint corn has a very low water content,
  • it is more resistant to freezing than other vegetables.
Flint corn

2. Dent Corn (Zea maya indentata)

  • Dent corn, also known as yellow dent cornReid’s yellow dent cornwhite dent corn is a type of field corn with high soft starch content.
  • It received its name because of the small indentation, or “dent”, at the crown of each kernel on a ripe ear of corn.
  • About 95 % of Production in the USA is dent corn.
Dent corn

3. Sweet Corn (Zea mays saccharata)

  • also called sweetcornsugar corn and pole corn.
  • Sweet corn is the result of a naturally occurring recessive mutation in the genes which control conversion of sugar to starch inside the endosperm of the corn kernel. 
  • Sweetest among all.
Sweet corn

4. Flour Corn (Zea mays amylacea)

  • Kernel is largely composed of soft starch with little or no hard starch.
  • It is primarily used to make corn flour.
Flour corn

5. Popcorn (Zea mays everta)

  • Its kernel is small and extreme form of flint corn.
  • When heated to 170 °C,
  • The grain swells and burst and turning inside out.
Unpopped corn
Popped corn

6. Waxy Corn (Zea mays ceretina)

  • Due to waxy appearance of the kernel. it is called as waxy corn.
  • Waxy corn or glutinous corn is a type of field corn characterized by its sticky texture when cooked as a result of larger amounts of amylopectin.
Waxy corn

7. Pod Corn (Zea mays zunicata)

  • Pod corn or wild maize is a variety of maize.
  • Pod corn is not a wild ancestor of maize, but a mutant that forms leaves around each kernel.
  • Pod corn forms glumes around each kernel which is caused by a mutation at the Tunicate locus. Because of its bizarre appearance, Pod Corn has had a religious significance to certain Native American Tribes.
  • Husked primitive type.
Pod corn

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