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FCI – Food Corporation Of India Mock Test Series [y] In this Quiz Given Entomology Most important Questions


FCI – AGM Mock Test Series 2021

Entomology Questions: 50
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1 / 50

Category: Entomology

Pheromone is also known as……….

2 / 50

Category: Entomology

The upper most layer of insect body is known as :

3 / 50

Category: Entomology

Salannin is derived from:

4 / 50

Category: Entomology

Insecticides which is used as soil application……..

5 / 50

Category: Entomology

……………. sprayer is also known as Backpack sprayer.

6 / 50

Category: Entomology

Which of the following is not an above-ground storage structure?

7 / 50

Category: Entomology

Fumigants use for rodents control are

8 / 50

Category: Entomology

Which of the following refers to zinc phosphide poison?

9 / 50

Category: Entomology

The droppings are spindle shape in

10 / 50

Category: Entomology

In the sprayer, the container is called ……………..; but in duster, it is called………..

11 / 50

Category: Entomology

Indian Mole Rat is scientifically known as

12 / 50

Category: Entomology

The largest area of a transgenic crop in the world is under…………..

13 / 50

Category: Entomology

Flooding in the fields will helps in control of

14 / 50

Category: Entomology

Solid projection of exoskeleton either internally or externally is known as:

15 / 50

Category: Entomology

Clipping of top portion of seedlings reduces the carryover of infection of………….

16 / 50

Category: Entomology

Trap crop for IPM od DBM is…………

17 / 50

Category: Entomology

A sticky trap is used to trap the……….

18 / 50

Category: Entomology

Tobacco is the main source of Nicotine, it is………

19 / 50

Category: Entomology

…………..is used to control all the types of insects irrespective of their feeding habits.

20 / 50

Category: Entomology

Lac is usually marketed as………

21 / 50

Category: Entomology

The chief producer of lac are…………

22 / 50

Category: Entomology

Chemically silk thread are

23 / 50

Category: Entomology

India is the monopoly in the production of

24 / 50

Category: Entomology

Royal jelly is produced by……… to feeds the Queen bee.

25 / 50

Category: Entomology

In coconut, stem/root injection technique is used for management of the ………….

26 / 50

Category: Entomology

Aluminium Phosphide is available in the market in ……… form.

27 / 50

Category: Entomology

Aluminium Phosphide is widely used in fumigating grains, flours & cereals in godowns, Available in the market with trade name……

28 / 50

Category: Entomology

In mustard, early sowing is recommended for escape from damage due to…………….

29 / 50

Category: Entomology

The most notorious pest of wheat is………….

30 / 50

Category: Entomology

Chlorinated insecticides are……….

31 / 50

Category: Entomology

Damaging stage of Mustard saw fly is ………….

32 / 50

Category: Entomology

Neem referred as ……..

33 / 50

Category: Entomology

Which of the insecticides belongs to organophosphate group?

34 / 50

Category: Entomology

The insecticide of plant origin is/are ……

35 / 50

Category: Entomology

Widely used acaricide against meit is

36 / 50

Category: Entomology

Which of these insecticides is derived from actinomycetes (Saccharopolyspora spinosa)?

37 / 50

Category: Entomology

Mode of action of Spinosed

38 / 50

Category: Entomology

The circulatory system of insect is ………… type.

39 / 50

Category: Entomology

Insect blood sugar is known as

40 / 50

Category: Entomology

The main excretory product of insects is……

41 / 50

Category: Entomology

An active, first instar of insects that undergo hyper metamorphosis is called ……….

42 / 50

Category: Entomology

Incomplete Metamorphosis in insects (Egg – Nymph – Adult) is also called as ………….

43 / 50

Category: Entomology

The second segment of insect antenna is …..

44 / 50

Category: Entomology

The function of insect thorax is?

45 / 50

Category: Entomology

Which of the following statement is incorrect?

46 / 50

Category: Entomology

Claspers are the pair of prolegs, present on …. abdominal segment.

47 / 50

Category: Plant Science

Apical sclerite of the labium is known as

48 / 50

Category: Entomology

The Azadirachtin is present in seeds & leaves of Neem & varies from ………….. mg/kernel.

49 / 50

Category: Entomology

Pore canals present in the insect exocuticle helps in the deposition of

50 / 50

Category: Entomology

Excess of the malic acid in gram brings resistance against …………….

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