Horticulture MCQ Most Important Questions it is very useful to prepare for ICAR-JRF Horticulture [y] and other exams like BHU Pre-PG [y], AFO [y], Agriculture Supervisor [y], etc.
Q. 31. Pine apple belongs to the family
a) Aracaceae
b) Bromeliaceae
c) Aponcyanaceae
d) Lauraceae
b) Bromeliaceae
Q. 32. Quickest method for ‘laying lawn’ is
a) Seeding
b) Dibbing
c) Turfing
d) Dung plastering
c) Turfing
Q. 33. Karonda belongs to the family
a) Apocyanaceae
b) Rutaceae
c) Myrtaceae
d) None of these
a) Apocyanaceae
Q. 34. Hesperidium is mainly found in
a) Bael
b) Papaya
c) Guava
d) Citrus sp.
d) Citrus sp.
Q. 35. The variety of apple having comparatively longer shelf life is
a) Ambri
b) Red delicious
c) Golden delicious
d) None of these
a) Ambri
Q. 36. Bt brinjal is developed with an inherent capacity to control
a) Aphids
b) Bacteria
c) Fruit and shoot borer
d) White fly
c) Fruit and shoot borer
Q. 37. Pheromone trap is used to attract
a) Male moths
b) Female bugs
c) Female moths
d) None of these
a) Male moths
Q. 38. Charcol rot is due to
a) Macrophomina
b) Plasmophora
c) Claviceps
d) None of these
a) Macrophomina
Q. 39. In India, Nagpur mandarin is grown mainly in
a) Haryana
b) Maharasthra
c) Punjab
d) Kerala
b) Maharasthra
Q. 40. Whiptail disorder of cauliflower is due to the deficiency of
a) Mo
b) Fe
c) B
d) Zn
a) Mo