Most Important JRF soil science Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) [y]
Q. 1. When the total soluble salt concentration of soil goes between 1-2 milli mhos/cm2. Then how it affects the crops
a) Critical for growth of sensitive crops
b) Critical for Flowering
c) Critical for germination
d) Injurious to crops
c) Critical for germination
Q. 2. If the soil textural class has clay content more than 45 % , then it will be known as
a) Sandy Clay
b) Silty clay Loam
c) Sandy Clay Loam
d) Clay
d) Clay
Q. 3. There are 12 soil orders of soil. Out of these soil orders Red soil has which soil order
a) Ultisol
b) Alfisol
c) Vertisol
d) Aridisol
b) Alfisol
Q. 4. This soil has shrink swell potential, and has the soil order vertisol. Which kind of crops are mostly preferred for this soil
a) Barley
b) Wheat
c) Maize
d) Plantation crops
d) Plantation crops
Q. 5. Which among the following soil types is the most fertile soil
a) Black soil
b) Desert soil
c) Peaty soil
d) Muck soil
d) Muck soil
Q. 6. The sum total of the exchangeable cations that a soil can absorb is called as cation exchange capacity. Which clay mineral has highest CEC
a) Kaolinite
b) Illite
c) Vermiculite
d) Montmorillonite
c) Vermiculite
Q. 7. At which pH , Phosphorus fixation is at minimum and availability to higher plants is maximum
a) 5 to 6
b) 6 to 7
c) 7 to 8
d) above 7
b) 6 to 7
Q. 8. A ratio of the mass of carbon to the mass of nitrogen in a substance is known as C:N. What is the ratio sawdust
a) 100:1
b) 300:1
c) 400:1
d) 200:1
c) 400:1
Q. 9. What is the size of fine sand particle according to ISSS
a) 0.002-0.02
b) 0.02-0.2
c) 0.2-2.0
d) 0.10- 0.25
b) 0.02-0.2
Q. 10. Oxygen Diffusion Rate refers to the rate at which O in the soil exchange with O2 in the ATM. Which among the following crops has highest ODR
a) Rice
b) Wheat
c) Maize
d) Pea
d) Pea