Most Important JRF soil science Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) [y]
Q. 51. Organic matter has 58% organic carbon and nitrogen…….
a) 1-2 %
b) 5-6%
c) 9 to 10
d) 18-20 %
b) 5-6%
Q. 52. Soil structural units having horizontal axis much longer than vertical axis. Such type of soil structure is known as
a) Prismatic
b) Blocky
c) Platy
d) Columnar
c) Platy
Q. 53. Symbiotic association of fungal hyphae with plant roots is known as
a) Mycorrhiza
b) Mutual infection
c) Lichen
d) Co-parasitism
a) Mycorrhiza
Q. 54. Which one of the following is not a soil forming factor
a) Climate
b) Organisms
c) Relief
d) Moisture
d) Moisture
Q. 55. Which one of the following irrigation methods is best suited for an undulating topography
a) Flow irrigation
b) Check basin method
c) Sprinkler irrigation
d) Furrow irrigation
c) Sprinkler irrigation
Q. 56. The available water present in soil for better plant growth in between
a) Field capacity and wilting percentage
b) Witting percentage and hygroscopic coefficient
c) Field capacity and Air dry soil
d) Both b & c
a) Field capacity and wilting percentage
Q. 57. The percentage of soil water held with water potential – 15 bars is called as
a) Hygroscopic coefficient
b) Wilting point
c) Field capacity
d) Both a & b
b) Wilting point
Q. 58. The species of Rhizobium present in the root nodules of soybean is
a) R. japonicum
b) R. leguminosarum
c) R. trifolii
d) R. phased
a) R. japonicum
Q. 59. The unconsolidated material on the underlying rock is called
a) Regolith
b) Soil
c) Solum
d) Earth
a) Regolith
Q. 60. What culture should be given priority in groundnut cultivation
a) Azospirilla
b) Mycorrhiza
c) Phosphobacteria
d) Rhizobia
d) Rhizobia